Thursday, December 5, 2013

BACON AND PROTIVOMETOPATICHESKOE protivoateroskleroticheskim

Salo protivometopaticheskoe and protivoateroskleroticheskim
BACON AND PROTIVOMETOPATICHESKOE protivoateroskleroticheskimAlmost 40 years doctors have recommended to cut the proportion in the diet foods with saturated fats (lard, butter, sour cream, etc.). Nutritionists have claimed that the abundance of animal fat increases cholesterol levels, blood vessels and suffer worse heart function.

Modern studies have refuted this postulate.

Butter, cheese, red meat (beef, lamb), fat - foods containing saturated fats, are less likely to lead to the development of cardiovascular disease than foods that are low in fat, - he says cardiologist at London Croydon University Hospital Asim Malhotra pages «The Daily Mail».

According to the researcher, the main culprit of heart disease - sugar and refined carbohydrates.

The habit of Ukrainians have fat - a healthy tradition - the ex-chief nutritionist Ministry of Health of Ukraine Petro Karpenko. - Salo contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids: arachidonic acid and oleic. The first part of all cell membranes, is involved in cell signaling and improves cardiac muscle. The acid provides hormonal activity, cholesterol metabolism, the immune response. So fat is recommended to use for the prevention of atherosclerosis and immune system support.

And without oleic acid can not be proper metabolism in the body. Its content is slightly lower in fat than olive oil, so for those who want to lose weight, fat is an essential product. Because oleic acid is absorbed well by the body.

In addition, the fat is broken down slowly, it can support a small piece of power throughout the day, it gives a quick satiety, protect from over-eating, do not overload the liver and has a choleretic effect. And thanks to these properties, a slice of bacon in the morning on an empty stomach will help to keep in shape, although in 100 g of fat and contains about 724 calories.

By the way, in Sweden, recently completed a study on the effect of fat on the blood vessels and heart. As a result, Swedish Council on Health Technology found that the increase in fat menu improves the level of sugar in the blood and increases the level of only good cholesterol. And the problems start at the use of saturated fats, combined with sugar (carbohydrate food).

Given that the starchy additives often found in meat semi-finished products, it is lean on the fat in its purest form and less likely to feast on hot dogs and sausages.

Protivometeopaticheskoe fat, refined sugar - meteopaticheskie.

Everything in life is simply this - from one extreme to the other.

 in the wake of

POWER OF THE BOARD OF CLUB long-livers "Active Aging" MSU

Nutrition Board of the centenarians club # 171; Active Aging # 187; MSU These recommendations should result in no cuts, which makes the http://. One note - the recommended approximate the menu should only be provisional, some rapper. example, and no more. Because the best rule here is the golden rule in Bernard ShouThe golden rule is that there are no golden rules.

Now more than ever are great differences of opinion among experts on nutrition. Food is necessary as a building material energetic material. Over seventy years of life a person eats about 100,000 pounds of food and food spends about 6 years.

After 40 years you need to get up from the table a little bit hungry. There is a need to slowly, chewing food thoroughly. You can not eat cold food, load up to satiety, to start meal in a state of exhaustion - it is recommended to rest before and after meals.

In old age (the second youth 60-90 years old - according to uvenology) recommended four meals, and at certain times. First breakfast in 8-9 hours includes 25-30% of the daily diet, lunch in 12-14 hours - 10-15, 17-18 in the lunch hours - 45-50, 20-21 in the dinner hour - 10-20%.

If an elderly person genetically predisposed to gain weight, better eat 5-6 times a day, but little by little, low-calorie - at small intervals between meals reduces appetite.

Supper should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Late dinner deprives secretory apparatus of rest, which leads to stress and exhaustion of the digestive glands. Dinner should be light - a glass of milk, kefir, yogurt, tomato or fruit juice, fresh fruit and berries.

Drinking tea or coffee should not be, because they excite the nervous system and disrupt sleep.

Which of the same foods you need to be to live long?

Vegetarians believe that life should eat only vegetarian food, then you will live a long time. Moderate vegetarians believe that as long as the person grows and grows until he is 24, he should consume a mixed diet - dairy, meat, vegetable. Was 24 years old - to move only in plant foods.

Third, the core group of scientists convinced that the meat and dairy foods in combination with plant needed at every stage of life.

Academician AA Pokrovsky said: Proteins are the basis of the structural elements of cells and tissues. With the implementation of key proteins associated manifestations of life: metabolism, contractility, irritability, ability to grow, reproduce, and even the highest form of motion of matter - thinking. According to recent reports, a sufficient amount of protein in the diet increases resistance to stress, which may be the cause of many human diseases.

During the life of the protein consumed. It can not be synthesized in the body and replaced with other nutrients, therefore, if we do not replenish its stocks from the outside, a man grows old and dies prematurely.

Necessary for the person and fats - the basic energy for the body material. An important role in human nutrition play carbohydrates - digestible energy material contained in plant foods: cereals, bread, potatoes, baked dishes, sugar, honey, jam, the berries and fruits. Daily amount of carbohydrates - 450-500 grams.

When excess carbohydrates used some of them converted into fat and deposited in the form of excess fat.

Essential for the body and minerals that make up the many hormones, proteins, lipids and play a role in the nervous system, etc.

Of great importance for the normal functioning of the body are vitamins. With their lack or absence of vitamin deficiency develops. Now there are more than 80 different vitamins. Of these, the most essential for human vitamins A, B1, B12 and PP, C, D, E, K.

Man mental work during the day should get 100-120 grams of protein (420 calories), 90-100 grams of fat (900 calories), 450-500 grams of carbohydrates (1680 calories).

In normal physical activity expended 3,500 calories during intense - 5000-6000. Due to the decrease in the elderly assimilating food processes need to have them reduced calorie 2300-2600. Must be rationally balance the power in accordance with the age, metabolism and energy expenditure of the body.

Protein is found in meat, fish, milk and dairy products in the eggs, to a lesser extent - in potatoes, cabbage, buckwheat, rice, beans, mushrooms, etc. But the vegetable proteins do not contain the entire set of amino acids needed by humans. Therefore, plant products must be combined with the animals.

Given a protein deficiency in older people (second youth by uvenology) people, the total amount of protein in their daily diet should be about 1.5 grams per kilogram of ideal weight.

Useful marine and ocean fish, which contains not only protein containing all the essential amino acids, but also trace elements, vitamins, a large amount of iodine, which has therapeutic and preventive action and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Fermented foods have a beneficial effect on the body - stimulating the secretory activity of the stomach, prevent putrefaction in the intestines and normalize peristalsis, good for the nervous system and metabolism.

Mechnikov believed that one of the causes of aging are poisons produced in the intestine as a result of vital activity of putrefying bacteria. The acidic environment is unfavorable to them. Therefore, the scientist offered to drive the body bacteria lactic acid fermentation, which are contained in yogurt, buttermilk, etc.

Fats are an essential component of food.

The most useful animal fats rich in lipoids and vitamins A and D (butter, kidney, liver, bone fat, egg yolk). But they contain cholesterol, which contributes to excess atherosclerosis. Therefore RDA fat (70-80 grams) should be one third of vegetable oils, preferably consisting of unsaturated fatty acids having anti-sclerotic effect and enabling the oxidation processes in the body.

Vegetable oils - corn, cottonseed, sunflower - contain no cholesterol and are composed of phosphatides, which have beneficial effects on lipid metabolism. Vegetable oils should be eaten at every age, every day, all year round.

It is advisable to include in the diet of vinaigrettes and salads dressed with unrefined vegetable oil.

Older people are encouraged to consume carbohydrates that contain plant fiber (rye bread, bread from wheat flour, vegetables, fruits). They help to normalize bowel function, prevent obesity and atherosclerosis.

A good nutritional and medicinal product is honey. It is completely absorbed by the body. Avicenna said: If you want to live long and keep youth, make sure you eat honey, especially with crushed walnuts.

If elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood is especially useful with honey cream cheese. Honey has a mild laxative effect, has a beneficial effect on the body for sleep, strengthens manhood.

Need to eat foods rich in minerals: greens, vegetables, fruits, various fruit juices.


The Mediterranean diet does not help all the Mediterranean diet does not help everyone, there must still be a genetic predisposition - not so easy under the Moon.

There are many diets, but do not think that each has a rigorous scientific explanation. Therefore, researchers continue to study the diets, popular and not much to understand why they act and to act at all.


One of the Mediterranean diet (photo Steve Outram).

One of these works appeared in Diabetes Care, where Jose Ordovas izUniversiteta Tufts (USA), together with colleagues from two dozen other centers describes the unusual properties that can be said of the legendary Mediterranean diet. Strictly speaking, it can not be called a diet: it is rather a way of eating, the native inhabitants of the Mediterranean proper and strict restrictions on certain products is not here. At some point, the scientists noticed that people following this diet is less at risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. 

This time, the researchers came to the conclusion that the positive effect that has on the heart of the Mediterranean diet is associated with a genetic profile.

Mr. Ordovas and colleagues compared the genetic profiles of 7,000 people who in one way or another fed in a Mediterranean style, and compared the findings with the medical histories. It was found that the Mediterranean diet actually reduces the likelihood, for example, heart, but its efficiency was dependent on the presence of a particular gene in humans. This, however, is not that the gene diet helped demonstrate its useful properties, not just a diet compensate for the harmful properties of the gene.

Scientists have long known that one of TCF7L2 gene variants associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and this risk increases, apparently because the transcription factor encoded by TCF7L2, bad influences on glucose metabolism. As it affects, is still a mystery, but it is clear that the two copies of the gene (one on each of the homologous chromosomes from the father and mother) increase the risk of heart disease more than one copy.

But the Mediterranean diet, as already mentioned, in some way compensate for the harmful effect of the wrong gene TCF7L2. And the better a diet observed, the greater the chance of a heart stay healthy. Pete's in a Mediterranean style had less fat in the blood and low-density lipoprotein, which is believed to provide and narrowing of the blood vessels and impairment of blood supply.

Thus, for example, another diet with reduced fat, could not resist gene: although the man and ate less fat, the risk of a heart attack he remained quite high.

That is the Mediterranean diet worked, but only in certain genetic conditions, and when the person with the gene TCF7L2 was all right, it will have no effect.

On the one hand, the diet has proved to be a good side, and on the other - the researchers have seen once again that there is no universal diet, suitable for any individual. If heart problems are not related to a particular gene, then sit on this diet will be useless (though it may be, and you will enjoy this meal.) It is possible that for all the other diets have their own genetic profiles, that is, a set of options for some genes for which the corresponding diet may prove useful properties.

 in the wake of Tufts University, Shutterstock,

Mediterranean Way


The Mediterranean diet is a modern nutritional recommendation inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of poor coastal regions of southern Italy, Crete, and Greece in the 1960s.[1]

Despite its name, this diet is not typical of all Mediterranean cuisine. In Northern Italy, for instance, lard and butter are commonly used in cooking, and olive oil is reserved for dressing salads and cooked vegetables.[2] In North Africa wine is traditionally avoided by Muslims. In both North Africa and the Levant, along with olive oil, sheep's tail fat and rendered butter (samna) are traditional staple fats.[3]

The most commonly-understood version of the Mediterranean diet was presented by Dr Walter Willett of Harvard University's School of Public Health in the mid-1990s.[4] Based on "food patterns typical of Crete, much of the rest of Greece, and southern Italy in the early 1960s", this diet, in addition to "regular physical activity," emphasizes "abundant plant foods, fresh fruit as the typical daily dessert, olive oil as the principal source of fat, dairy products (principally cheese and yogurt), and fish and poultry consumed in low to moderate amounts, zero to four eggs consumed weekly, red meat consumed in low amounts, and wine consumed in low to moderate amounts". Total fat in this diet is 25% to 35% of calories, with saturated fat at 8% or less of calories.[5]

The principal aspects of this diet include high olive oil consumption, high consumption of legumes, high consumption of unrefined cereals, high consumption of fruits, high consumption of vegetables, moderate consumption of dairy products (mostly as cheese and yogurt), moderate to high consumption of fish, low consumption of meat and meat products, and moderate wine consumption.[6]

Olive oil is particularly characteristic of the Mediterranean diet. It contains a very high level of monounsaturated fats, most notably oleic acid, which epidemiological studies suggest may be linked to a reduction in coronary heart disease risk.[7] There is also evidence that the antioxidants in olive oil improve cholesterol regulation and LDL cholesterol reduction, and that it has other anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive effects.[8]