Thursday, February 20, 2014

Alcohol is useful in menopause

Alcohol is useful in menopause
Alcohol is useful in menopauseAlcohol is useful in menopause, if only in moderate amounts when making women more dense bone, protecting against fractures.

To such conclusion experts of the Scottish University of Aberdeen in observations of 900 women of menopausal age.

A glass of wine a day on the background of a diet rich in the calcium-containing foods helps in a positive light to solve the problem of maintaining the density of the bone as the first prerequisite for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Osteoporotic fractures in a cohort of seasonal meteozavisimosti.

 in the wake of

Drug Free Menopause Treatments: Treat Yourself Minus The Drug


Drug Free Menopause Treatments

Want to know how to treat

menopause symptoms minus the drug?

There are drug free menopause treatments

you yourself can do

Take note of what you eat.

A positive change in diet makes a miracle.

Saturated fats and sugar

slows down your body's ability

to metabolize estrogen.

It can damage the immune system.

Phosphorous increases bone loss

It's found in carbonated beverages

and caffeine-laden drinks.

What not to take?

Commercial pork and chicken

Sweetened beverages

Coffee, and

Alcoholic drinks.

What to take instead?

Go for whole grain cereals


Fruits and veggies

Food rich in calcium and vitamin D

a pint of milk a day

hard cheese like Cheddar

No need to buy drug for menopause

Stop smoking!

Minimize alcohol consumption!

Log on to
For more helpful tips.

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Melatonin Reduce overweight and prevents the development of obesity-related diseases

Melatonin reduces the excess weight, and prevents the development of obesity-related diseases
Melatonin Reduce overweight and prevents the development of obesity-related diseasesMelatonin is one of the most important regulators of daily biological clock, stimulates the development of useful brown fat, which is known as calorie burner.

Regular use of melatonin increases the thermogenic effect of exercise than you can easily fight obesity.

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates daily biological clock is not only conducive to healthy sleep, but in the body and reduces triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, helps prevent cardiovascular disease.

In its natural form melatonin found in fruits and vegetables such as cherry, orange, pineapple, almonds, sunflower seeds, mustard, Goji berries, cardamom, fennel and coriander.

Eating these foods, as well as getting enough sleep can help to lose weight and prevent the development of diseases associated with obesity and dyslipidemia.

Indeed, the time melatoninomimetikov.

3 Ways Melatonin Fights Aging


More Than A Good Night Sleep: 3 Ways Melatonin Fights Aging
Often referred to as "the sleep hormone" most people acknowledge melatonin for its positive effect on restful sleep and regulating our internal body clock.

to find more information on our site go here

Researchers have recently discovered it promotes much more than a good night sleep. Melatonin has demonstrated beneficial effects on diabetes, heart disease, bone health and obesity.

Adding to the excitement, emerging science now suggests that melatonin possesses unique properties to help protect you against the diseases and decline associated with ageing.

Unfortunately, as we age, most hormone production levels change. Although this is also true of melatonin, over the counter supplementation has proven to increase its production and availability, helping you delay... and even avoid... age related diseases.

Your invited to read on, in the text below this video, to learn for yourself how melatonin works and discover the valuable role scientists now say it plays:

1. Fighting free-radicals to prevent cancer from occurring, or even induce the death of existing cancer cells

2. Help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease and protect cells damage and decay associated with cognitive impairment

3. Help Prevent Osteoporosis by aiding in bone repair and increased bone mineral density.

People use melatonin to adjust the body's internal clock. It is used for jet lag, for adjusting sleep-wake cycles in people whose daily work schedule changes (shift-work disorder), and for helping blind people establish a day and night cycle.

Melatonin is also used for the inability to fall asleep (insomnia); delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS); insomnia associated with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); insomnia due to certain high blood pressure medications called beta-blockers; and sleep problems in children with developmental disorders including autism, cerebral palsy, and mental retardation. It is also used as a sleep aid after discontinuing the use of benzodiazepine drugs and to reduce the side effects of stopping smoking.

Some people use melatonin for Alzheimer's disease, ringing in the ears, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, migraine and other headaches, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bone loss (osteoporosis), a movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia (TD), epilepsy, as an anti-aging agent, for menopause, and for birth control.

Other uses include breast cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, head cancer, neck cancer, and gastrointestinal cancer.

Melatonin is also used for some of the side effects of cancer treatment (chemotherapy) including weight loss, nerve pain, weakness, and a lowered number of clot-forming cells (thrombocytopenia).

It is also used to calm people before they are given anesthesia for surgery.

The forms of melatonin that can be absorbed through the cheek or under the tongue are used for insomnia, shift-work disorder, and to calm people before receiving anesthesia for surgery.

Sometimes people apply melatonin to the skin to protect against sunburn.

How effective is it?
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate.

The effectiveness ratings for MELATONIN are as follows:

To read more of this article and the benefits of melatonin click on the link below

I hope you have found the information in this article of good use, if so please Like and Share this video.

Till next time take care.

Osteoarticular system SECOND PART OF Gerontology

Musculo-skeletal apparatus of the second part of Gerontology
CHAPTER 15 osteo-articular And the muscular system

Table of Contents:

Introduction to Part One of Gerontology

Old age and evolution of the first part of Gerontology

Introduction to Gerontology

Theories of aging from the first part of Gerontology

Biological basis of age of the first part of Gerontology

Senile period of the first part of Gerontology

Ecology and sociology of the first part of Gerontology

Old age and general pathological processes of the first part of Gerontology

The nervous system of the second part of Gerontology

Cardiovascular system of the second part of Gerontology

The system of blood from the second part of Gerontology

The respiratory system of the second part of Gerontology

The digestive tract of the second part of Gerontology

The internal secretion and genitals of the second part of Gerontology

Tissue of the internal environment of the second part of Gerontology

Musculo-skeletal apparatus of the second part of Gerontology

Urinary organs of the second part of Gerontology

Male and female parts of the second set of Gerontology

The skin of the second part of Gerontology

Diseases of old age, the third part of Gerontology

Nosology of the third age of Gerontology

Atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases are the third part of the Gerontology

Mental disorders of the third part of Gerontology

Diseases of the digestive system of the third part of Gerontology

Diseases of the respiratory system of the third part of Gerontology

Diseases of the endocrine glands of the third part of Gerontology

Diseases of other organs and systems of the third part of Gerontology

Geriatrics and oncology of the third part of Gerontology

Infectious diseases of the third part of Gerontology

Problems of diagnosis of the third part of Gerontology

Conclusion and literature of the third part of Gerontology

IV Davydovskij underestimated. His contribution to the biology and pathology of the human - the top, unattainable. He has to learn, it should be re-read, to rethink, to learn, to teach it others.

His gerontology - that biological clock biological time in astronomical time, the natural understanding of an important period in the life of each of us.


Osteo-arthropathy and mionatii occupy a very prominent place in gerontology. Associated with them change in appearance, body structure, silhouette, posture, gait, handwriting old people, etc., not to mention the complaints of ailments, concentrated mainly in the field of voluntary movement. Changes osteoarticular system occur early, at the age of 40-50 years, and even before, but in most cases they occur dull, until they reach a certain severity, as it were, when suddenly, without any special occasions and prodrome, there are certain painful conditions in the form of, for example, rheumatoid pains, radiculitis, especially in the shoulder girdle, the lumbar spine.

Among the early symptoms include, in particular, reducing the mobility of the cervical vertebrae, as indicated by the age of 50.

Senile osteoporosis - a permanent phenomenon. Its base consists of physiological age-related changes in the protein and mineral metabolism concerning phosphorus and calcium. Protein-based bone-like proteins and other tissues experiencing osteoporosis negative shift in the self-renewal. Significant bone mass are therefore resorption, tumor weakens the bones, which implies the fixation of calcium phosphate on a protein basis.

Decreases intestinal absorption of calcium in low gastric acidity.

Lec-15 Excitation Systems-Part-2


Lecture series on Power System Dynamics by Prof.M.L.Kothari, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit


Bears not only share with someone means of osteoporosis According to written below, then, sorry for using foul, do not care about evolution as such. You can twiddle and stay in bed, not caring about meteozavisimosti or about osteoporosis. Bears, so in general, the entire period of seasonal meteozavisimosti lie dormant and it is not for nothing.

So, the logic set forth below bearish enough parathyroid hormone, and no osteoporosis in the lazy life. But the question is, and how to behave themselves when the biological clock, and where to attack raspberries on such a prospect.

We know for sure that there are no miracles, and we know exactly what to pay for everything.


Bears will help people overcome brittle bones

Should we spend a few days with no load, as our bones begin to weaken. Notice? If you lie in bed a week, you can earn a full-fledged osteoporosis, when bones are broken by the slightest blow.

Actually, the main cause of osteoporosis immobility; disease occurs with age, when the leaching of calcium from the bones is enhanced (and filling it slows down). Especially prone to osteoporosis after menopause women. But it is inactive lifestyle as one of the risk factors and brought scientists to the unusual idea - look for an anti-osteoporosis at someone, and the bears.

Indeed, the Bears hold dormant for several months and remain with a skeleton in good health. One of the obvious reasons - the effective work of the bear parathyroid hormone. This hormone is in man, and the function of it is the same - take care of your bone health, but for efficiency, it seems that he is inferior bearish counterpart.

To work with it (not to seek the forest bears), the researchers used a recombinant version of the hormone: its encoding DNA sequence was inserted into E. coli Escherichia coli, which is synthesized and necessary for studying the amount of the hormone.

Scientists from Michigan Technological University (USA) tested the effect of human and bear parathyroid hormone on human osteoblasts - cells that synthesize the bone substance. According to preliminary data, the bearish analogue better prevents cell death and has a more serious effect on the signaling pathway that controls bone formation in humans.

The next step will be to verify the positive effect of parathyroid hormone on the woman's body during menopause, when the risk of osteoporosis increases several times. To do this in mice ovaries are removed to simulate menopause and related biochemical adjustment, and then introduce the human and rodent bearish analogue of the hormone. As the head of the research team says Professor Seth Donahue, a successful outcome of this experiment would mean that the production of parathyroid hormone can be a bear to put on stream.


RE: Surviving Alone in Alaska


RE: Surviving Alone in Alaska
Heimo Korth is the last man standing in 19 million acres of Alaskan wilderness. His neighbors are polar bears and caribous. Say good bye to civilization and see how they do it in the arctic circle on the last frontier in America.

In 1980, Jimmy Carter established the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the Alaskan Interior, cutting off 19 million acres of prime boreal wilderness from the mitts of fur trappers, oil tycoons, and would-be lodge owners alike. Only six families of white settlers were grandfathered in and allowed to keep cabins in the refuge—of them, only one still stays there year-round living off the land. His name is Heimo Korth, and he is basically the Omega Man of Americas Final Frontier.

I advocate a vegan diet and would not choose to live this way. Not only does it bother me to kill animals, I think that a diet of primarily meat is unhealthy. You can see studies of Eskimos are not a very long lived population. They have low rates of cardiovascular disease, but many suffer from osteoporosis, and are only low in heart disease risk because of certain benefits of being away from civilization, and the unusual amount of vitamin C in whale and seal blubber.
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