Wednesday, March 5, 2014

USE synbiotic microbial complex improves metabolism and composition of intestinal microflora

Use of synbiotic microbial complexes improves metabolism and composition of intestinal microflora
USE synbiotic microbial complex improves metabolism and composition of intestinal microfloraUse of synbiotic microbial complexes positively alters the metabolism and composition of intestinal microflora, improving the health and quality of life.

Briefly use synbiotics may be effective in improving the composition and metabolic activity of the bacterial communities of the colon and immune status (even) in the elderly, such results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled four-week study on 43 adult volunteers.

Used synbiotic microbial complexes based on Bifidobacterium longum.

With a healthy microbiota better tolerated reaction meteozavisimosti.


Sublingual immunotherapy FOOD ALLERGIES

Sublingual immunotherapy food allergies
Sublingual immunotherapy FOOD ALLERGIESMoran TP and colleagues performed an overview of clinical trials in sublingual immunotherapy.

The conclusions to which they come, are as follows:

- food allergies grows and becomes a dangerous epidemic in Western countries

- strict dietary restrictions partially solve the problem, since the aggravation occur on a regular basis and lead to a significant decrease in anxiety patients with their quality of life

- in the last decade is actively developing sublingual immunotherapy as a potential way to treat food allergies

- Row clinical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of sublingual immunotherapy in some patients, but until a permanent solution is still far and require long-term clinical trials.

Not so simple under the sun, and not just the food, we understand, but also any other kind of allergy as the first component of the biotic meteozavisimosti.

There is a.

Environmental Allergies and Sublingual Immunotherapy with Dr. Kroker


In the U.S., 20 percent of adults and nearly 40 percent of children are affected by environmental allergies. Many people with mild to severe environmental allergies look to sublingual immunotherapy when avoiding their allergies and treating with medication such as anti-histamines are not working.

LOWER RISK OF COGNITIVE DISORDERS I eat more fatty foods and less - Carbohydrates

Lower risk of cognitive impairment in eating more fatty foods and less than # 8212; carbohydrates
LOWER RISK OF COGNITIVE DISORDERS I eat more fatty foods and less - CarbohydratesThe New England Journal of Medicine published an article stating that the risk of senile dementia or sclerotic as the main manifestations of Alzheimer's disease depends on the level of sugar in the blood. 

Pharmacists seek to develop drugs for the treatment, or at least slow the inexorable processes of mental deterioration characteristic of this disease. However, so far their efforts have not been successful, and achieve very encouraging.

As follows from the publication in The New England Journal of Medicine, latest cure Alzheimer not only capable of stopping the disease, but reduces the patient's ability to function, increased risk of infection and may even cause skin cancer.   

The present situation of things and almost hopelessly depressing, but even harder to realize that Alzheimer's disease can be ... is largely prevented.

According to The Lancet Neurology, there is quite strong evidence that in the U.S. to 54% of Alzheimer's cases could be prevented if timely attention was paid to the variable aspects of the patient's lifestyle, including such as nutrition and physical activity.

Journal of Alzheimer's Disease writes that, according to researchers from the Mayo Clinic risk of mild cognitive impairment, which are the precursors of Alzheimer's disease, 42% lower in those who eat more fatty foods and fewer carbohydrates.

Many scholars are of the opinion that gluten intolerance or gluten enteropathy, which affects about a third of the world's population, is the only disease of the gastrointestinal tract, and only affects the small intestine. British scientists have found, however, strong evidence that gluten intolerance - vegetable protein present in cereal grains - wheat, barley and rye, can appear similar to many neurological diseases (including dementia sclerotic) with no typical symptoms of gastro- gastrointestinal tract.

Back in 2008, Journal of the American Medical Association reported a significant reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in performing complex simple exercise versus sedentary. It is a lifestyle intervention can significantly reduce the risk of this disease authoritative peer-reviewed journals and give appropriate recommendations, but the problem is hardly discussed in the community.

Basic and not visionary principle underlying the modern practice of medicine, is to focus on treating our ailments using only beneficial from an economic point of view, drugs directed at addressing the symptoms, and the cause-and-effect relationship of the disease with lifestyle completely taken into account.

It makes sense to constantly talk about the fact that people are able to slightly change their lives to prevent the disease from which there is no effective medication. The word doctor means teacher. And now, when doctors are mired in routine, writing out a prescription drug, it is time to stop and reconsider modern science to declare that those who treat can choose to keep health treatments. 

It took more than two thousand years since the Chinese Yellow Emperor (Huang Di - the legendary ruler of China, the founder of Taoism and ancestor of all Chinese) wrote: To maintain order, but does not eliminate the mess - that's the basic principle of wisdom. Treat the disease after her symptoms appeared - is like digging a well when overcome thirst, or to forge a sword, when the war started.

Dr. David Perlmutter, president of the Perlmutter Health Center, co-founder and president of n The Perlmutter Brain Foundation 

Liked the article? Then welcome to read the optimal strategy in the somatic hospital.

 in the wake of Why We Can and Must Focus on Preventing Alzheimer's,

Daniella paleo


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Ten nodules on HAPPINESS

Ten knots of happiness
Ten nodules on HAPPINESSTen knots of happiness - tips, which make sense, and therefore should heed. Although, we recall, happiness - the reward for success, and if it's not about the disease, with a wave of a magic wand never visited.

The following are the knots of happiness, in other words, the conditions without which hope to visit signified, is not necessary.

1. Exercise regularly - 7 minutes would be sufficient.

Perhaps you have already heard something about the article from New York Times, which said the scientifically proven benefits of 7-minute quick charge. So, if you thought before that you do not have time to do exercise, but now you no longer have any reason to give them up.

Physical exercise can greatly increase the degree of happiness and well-being, and scientists have long proven the effectiveness of exercise in the fight against depression. In one of the scientific experiments mentioned in the book Eykora Sean (Shawn Achor) titled The advantage of being happy» («The Happiness Advantage»), depressed patients were divided into three groups: the first group of volunteers had to treat their depression using medicines from the second - with the help of exercise, from the third - with the help of medicines and exercise in the complex. The results of this study, I was very surprised. Although the patients of all three groups feel equally improved results of the final assessment of their condition were completely different:

Six months later, the patients of the three groups again underwent a medical examination conducted to assess the frequency of relapses. 38% of those treated solely with medication depression, again showed all the symptoms of depression. Those patients, who, along with taking drugs to exercise, too, showed the results are not too good - 31% of recurrences.

A key finding were the results in patients being treated for depression with exercise: the relapse rate in this group was only 9%!

You do not have to suffer from depression, to feel the beneficial effects of exercise. They can help you relax, improve brain function and adjust the shape, even if you set a goal to reduce weight.

The authors of the study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Health Psychology, found that people who regularly perform physical exercise, more likely to be happy with your body, even if there are no visible changes take place:

The scientists assessed the weight and shapes people's perception of their own body in 16 men and 18 women before and after the six 40-minute sports and reading books, which were also divided into six sessions lasting 40 minutes. In both cases, weight and body shape is not changed. Meanwhile, after the sports people's perception of their own body has improved in several ways.

We have already studied the effects of exercise and found out how they affect the brain: in particular, they promote the release of endorphins, as evidenced by the picture below.

2. Sleep more, and you'll be less prone to negative emotions.

We all know that sleep helps our body to recover from the day's stress and that it helps us to be more focused and more productive. It turns out that sleep also affects our sense of happiness.

In the book «NutureShock» Po Bronson (Po Bronson) and Ashley Merriman (Ashley Merryman) explain exactly how sleep affects our positive attitude to life:

Negative stimuli are processed in the amygdala, and the positive and neutral memories are processed in the hippocampus. Lack of sleep is largely affects the hippocampus than in the amygdala. As a result, people who do not get enough sleep, at least remember the pleasant events and much more - about unpleasant.

In one of the experiments conducted by Walker, college students who regularly do not get enough sleep, they asked to remember the words from the list. They were able to remember 81% of the words with negative connotations - for example, the word cancer. However, they were able to remember only 31% of the words with a positive or neutral connotation, like sunshine or basket.

Publication of BPS Research Digest wrote about another study, which also shows that sleep affects our susceptibility to negative emotions. With the help of face recognition tasks, participants are asked to perform the experiment at different times of the day, scientists have tried to figure out how the subjects were influenced by positive and negative emotions. Those participants who had worked all day without a break for a short nap at the end of the day were more prone to negative emotions such as fear or anger.

With the jobs on face recognition, we have proved that those participants who were deprived of sleep a day, to a greater extent been subject to such emotions as anger and fear. Meanwhile, short naps blocked the negative reactivity, increasing the level of positive emotions.

Of course, for your well-being greatly influenced by the duration and quality of sleep.

The authors of another study tried to find out, as the morning mood of employees affects their work throughout the day:

Scientists have discovered that the morning mood of employees affects the productivity of their work throughout the day. The mood in which they came to work, influenced by their perception of the customer, as well as how they respond to the mood of customers.

Managers it is important to remember that the mood of their subordinates determines their performance, including the fact of how much work they can do and how well it is done.

First we have examined in detail the topic of sleep, trying to figure out how much sleep we need to do their jobs effectively.

3. Upgrade closer to the place of work: less long journey to work - it's better than a big house.

The trip to and from work that we do every day can have a very tangible impact on our sense of happiness. The fact that we make this way twice a day, five times a week, stipulates that its effects will accumulate over time and make us less and less happy.

As the site says The Art of Manliness, long way to go to work - this is something that can have a huge impact on our quality of life, although we often do not think about it.

While many casual circumstances do not affect our happiness in the long run, because we adapt to them, people will never get used to their daily tedious journey to work and back, because sometimes the movement is normal, and sometimes - just awful . Or, as Harvard psychologist named Daniel Gilbert (Daniel Gilbert), «to ride in traffic - every day a new kind of hell.

Often we try to compensate for the long way to work, buying a big house or agreeing to a higher paying job, but it still does not help.

How To Be Happy: 10 Timeless Principles


Personal Excellence Web Lecture on How To Be Happy: 10 Timeless Principles for Happiness

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Check out these related articles: (How to let go of unhappy past) (7-part purpose series) (Live a Better Life in 30 Days Program) (Be a Better Me in 30 Days Program) (How to be unhappy in life)

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