Thursday, December 5, 2013

BACON AND PROTIVOMETOPATICHESKOE protivoateroskleroticheskim

Salo protivometopaticheskoe and protivoateroskleroticheskim
BACON AND PROTIVOMETOPATICHESKOE protivoateroskleroticheskimAlmost 40 years doctors have recommended to cut the proportion in the diet foods with saturated fats (lard, butter, sour cream, etc.). Nutritionists have claimed that the abundance of animal fat increases cholesterol levels, blood vessels and suffer worse heart function.

Modern studies have refuted this postulate.

Butter, cheese, red meat (beef, lamb), fat - foods containing saturated fats, are less likely to lead to the development of cardiovascular disease than foods that are low in fat, - he says cardiologist at London Croydon University Hospital Asim Malhotra pages «The Daily Mail».

According to the researcher, the main culprit of heart disease - sugar and refined carbohydrates.

The habit of Ukrainians have fat - a healthy tradition - the ex-chief nutritionist Ministry of Health of Ukraine Petro Karpenko. - Salo contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids: arachidonic acid and oleic. The first part of all cell membranes, is involved in cell signaling and improves cardiac muscle. The acid provides hormonal activity, cholesterol metabolism, the immune response. So fat is recommended to use for the prevention of atherosclerosis and immune system support.

And without oleic acid can not be proper metabolism in the body. Its content is slightly lower in fat than olive oil, so for those who want to lose weight, fat is an essential product. Because oleic acid is absorbed well by the body.

In addition, the fat is broken down slowly, it can support a small piece of power throughout the day, it gives a quick satiety, protect from over-eating, do not overload the liver and has a choleretic effect. And thanks to these properties, a slice of bacon in the morning on an empty stomach will help to keep in shape, although in 100 g of fat and contains about 724 calories.

By the way, in Sweden, recently completed a study on the effect of fat on the blood vessels and heart. As a result, Swedish Council on Health Technology found that the increase in fat menu improves the level of sugar in the blood and increases the level of only good cholesterol. And the problems start at the use of saturated fats, combined with sugar (carbohydrate food).

Given that the starchy additives often found in meat semi-finished products, it is lean on the fat in its purest form and less likely to feast on hot dogs and sausages.

Protivometeopaticheskoe fat, refined sugar - meteopaticheskie.

Everything in life is simply this - from one extreme to the other.

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