Friday, November 8, 2013


Science does not believe in the apocalypse
Hypotheses lot Life alone. One in every earthly creature.

One in Earth. One in Sun. One in Solar System. Each has its own, special, unique. And whirl in the dance.

Dance of Life. Where hypotheses are born and die. Astronomical Clock and the biological clock intertwined.

Nothing to add.


What happens on the planet

The idea of the end of the world as some of the High Court for the sins of humanity exists in various cultures around the world long ago. One is inclined to believe the ancient prophecies, some do not. The most skeptical about the idea of the Apocalypse show, of course, representatives of science.

In the scientific community all the prophecies of the Apocalypse cause only a smile. But despite this, scientists all over the world recently noted a large amount of evidence of some global in scale natural changes of geophysical and astronomical nature. On the planet and in the universe at once began to happen a lot of changes! One gets the feeling that nature is like preparing for some special period in her life ... Of course, the scientific community is not usually associated reasons for these changes to the prophecies of the Apocalypse.

But scientists are stating a fact: it is possible, present and future environmental changes complicate the life on our planet. Why and how? On the first question is no scientific answer. As for the second question, we offer a variety of scientific predictions for the future.

If we compare them with the predictions of the prophets and seers of apocalyptic times, coming to us, you get a very interesting picture ...

Apocalypse XVI century. Bush. Vulcan and Venus

Though scientists and do not believe in the Apocalypse, but the possibility of a global natural disaster they have not ruled out in principle. The reason it may be factors such as the displacement of the geographic poles of the planet and the Earth's axis, a catastrophic weakening of the magnetic field of the Earth while moving the magnetic poles of the planet, increased solar activity. Pseudo-scientific, let's say (official science such things are not too inclined to believe), the forecasts are added to the possible apocalyptic factors also impact on the land of new planets with a huge mass and the force of gravity, which for some reason are suddenly closer to the Earth from space.

Consider these factors hypothetical natural perturbations in more detail.

The shift of the geographical poles

One of the most likely factors coming cataclysm - the shift of the geographical poles of the planet. In this case, the crust can be a kind of slip on the surface of the globe - and with a draw away into the unknown gave the ice caps of the poles. Anyway, there are a number of geological and even geographical facts which show that such a great migration poles of the planet has already occurred in the distant past of the Earth, and perhaps not even once.

Hot Shots tend to see the cause of the Flood and the onset of the ice age is in a similar shift of the earth's crust and the changing geographic poles of the planet. Well, if the roof of the Earth go together with poles and everything else on it is, here it is, you see, and very close to the shift of Earth's axis. The planet simply perekuvyrnetsya in the space under the weight biased poles with their huge masses of ice.

And here's the Apocalypse in its purest form!

By the way, U.S. researchers Sager and Koppers on the basis of geomagnetic measurements believe that this incident happened on Earth about 84 million years ago (give or take 2 million years). According to them, the Earth at that distant era turned into space by 16-20 degrees. This process is reflected in the fact that the crust in the region of the Atlantic Ocean was shifted from the north to the south to the equator, at a rate of approximately cm per year, moving more than 10 times faster than the modern continents move at the current pace of continental drift.

However, that may cause such a cataclysm?

There can not do without the idea of the collision of the Earth with a meteorite or asteroid.

Some researchers believe that the shift of the geographic poles and the planet's crust due to the collision of Earth with a large asteroid is theoretically possible. The asteroid crashes into Earth - and under the influence of the earth's crust strike silently slides down along with the geographic poles, and the planet is changing the angle of inclination of its axis ... Other researchers, however, assess this possibility as a minimum, assuming that this can happen only if the diameter of the body, with who will have to face our planet, will be not less than 1000 km!

In our solar system, such objects is not so much, and the possibility of a clash with those of the Earth is still very unlikely.

However, there is another hypothesis about the possible causes of the displacement of the geographic poles, and it belongs to, as emphasized by modern scholars, not someone else, and Einstein himself!

At the time, the press provided data that in 1953, two years before his death, Einstein wrote that at the poles is a constant accumulation of ice, which is located symmetrically around the pole. The Earth's rotation affects these ice masses, creating a centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust. Gradually increasing, this time reaches a critical point, which causes the movement of the earth's crust relative to the planet's core, which can move the polar regions to the equator.

Such movements also inevitably lead to disasters.

A number of modern researchers believe that the shift of the geographic poles, slowly but surely is due to tectonic plate shifts during strong earthquakes.

The shift of the magnetic poles of the Earth. NASA photo

The change of the magnetic poles

The change of the magnetic poles, the forthcoming us was predicted about 20 years ago by Japanese scientists.

The shift of the magnetic poles is registered since 1885. According to the website http:polus., over the past 100 years, the magnetic pole of the Southern Hemisphere has moved nearly 900 km and was in the Indian Ocean. Arctic magnetic pole is moving toward the East Siberian world magnetic anomalies across the Arctic Ocean.

From 1984 to 1994 it was run more than 150 km.

The validity of these measurements confirmed the calculated data and the magnetic north pole.

Why Do People Believe in Pseudoscience, Superstition, Alien Abductions, the Apocalypse? (2000)


Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but does not adhere to a valid scientific method, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status. Pseudoscience is often characterized by the use of vague, contradictory, exaggerated or unprovable claims, an over-reliance on confirmation rather than rigorous attempts at refutation, a lack of openness to evaluation by other experts, and a general absence of systematic processes to rationally develop theories.

A field, practice, or body of knowledge can reasonably be called pseudoscientific when it is presented as consistent with the norms of scientific research, but it demonstrably fails to meet these norms.[2] Science is also distinguishable from revelation, theology, or spirituality in that it offers insight into the physical world obtained by empirical research and testing.[3] Commonly held beliefs in popular science may not meet the criteria of science.[4] "Pop science" may blur the divide between science and pseudoscience among the general public, and may also involve science fiction.[4] Pseudoscientific beliefs are widespread, even among public school science teachers and newspaper reporters.[5]

The demarcation problem between science and pseudoscience has ethical political implications, as well as philosophical and scientific issues.[6] Differentiating science from pseudoscience has practical implications in the case of health care, expert testimony, environmental policies, and science education.[7] Distinguishing scientific facts and theories from pseudoscientific beliefs such as those found in astrology, medical quackery, and occult beliefs combined with scientific concepts, is part of science education and scientific literacy.[8]

The term pseudoscience is often considered inherently pejorative, because it suggests something is being inaccurately or even deceptively portrayed as science. Accordingly, those labeled as practicing or advocating pseudoscience usually dispute the characterization.

Superstition is a pejorative term for belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of another without any natural process linking the two events, such as astrology, religion, omens, witchcraft, etc., that contradicts natural science.[1]

Opposition to superstition was a central concern of the intellectuals during the 18th century Age of Enlightenment. The philosophes at that time ridiculed any belief in miracles, revelation, magic, or the supernatural, as "superstition," and typically included as well much of Christian doctrine.[2]

The word superstition is often used pejoratively to refer to religious practices (e.g., Voodoo) other than the one prevailing in a given society (e.g., Christianity in western culture), although the prevailing religion may contain just as many superstitious beliefs.[1] It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by specific unrelated prior events.[3]

The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe "subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures". People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees" or "experiencers".

JAPAN ON FIRE after a strong earthquake

Japan after the earthquake a fire, it's the beginning the active period of the Sun with the whole spectrum disasters, from geophysical to social. Is not it this series of shocks social catastrophe in the Middle East and the risk of spread to other locations of the world?

Interestingly, we add March 19 with her over the full moon.


Japan on fire after the earthquake

The death toll of a powerful earthquake off the coast of the Japanese island of Honshu has reached at least 32 people. The number of wounded and missing is still unknown. This is reported by Associated Press, citing local police.

Japanese news agencies have reported major fires in the capital city of Tokyo and Sendai. In particular, the burning nuclear power plant (NPP) in the town of Onagawa (Miyagi Prefecture), owned by Tohoku Elec's. In addition, on the northern coast of Japan hit by a powerful tsunami.

Currently in Japan continue to secondary tremors. Earlier it was reported that on the island of Honshu death toll from the earthquake was more than 10 people.

This morning, Japan rocked several powerful aftershocks, the strongest earthquake magnitude of 8.9 (according to the U.S. Geological Survey). In the Japanese capital Tokyo, more than four million homes were without electricity. In the capital's Narita airport is closed, stopped work underground.

International organizations and the state are preparing to send rescue teams to Japan and humanitarian aid.

Experts: The earthquake in Japan was the strongest in 78 years

The earthquake in Japan, which occurred this morning, it was the most powerful in the country since 1933.

That quake, according to which we are the most powerful since 1933. It was in March, in the same area had an earthquake of about 9 points - Frolov.Po said to him, then the height of the tsunami waves reached 30 meters.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake in Japan was the fifth most powerful earthquake in the world since 1900.

The U.S. Geological Survey raised its assessment of the magnitude of the earthquake in Japan, from 7.9 to 8.8.

Epitsentr earthquake was located 382 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, its center lies at a depth of ten kilometers.

According to RIA Novosti, felt in Tokyo new strong tremors. Over the area of Odaiba huge column of smoke rises. In Tokyo, was incorporated siren that warns about the beginning of a strong earthquake and a woman's voice calling for calm in the case of the continuation and strengthening of aftershocks urged people to gather in special collection points.

As the Japanese television station NHK, six-meter tsunami after a massive earthquake reached the eastern part of the island of Hokkaido. The tsunami also came in the Japanese prefecture of Miyagi and Iwate: 3.3 and 4.2 meters, respectively. TV Japan urges citizens to stay away from the shore and calls on the population to be vigilant.

Earlier it was reported that in Miyagi prefecture has stopped working nuclear power plant after the earthquake.


Oil refinery in fire after devastating Japan earthquake and tsunami


Oil refinery in fire after devastating Japan earthquake and tsunami


The impact of weather on human health What are the weather affect human health has long been known.

Even in ancient Greece, Hippocrates held regular weather observations and first noted meteozavisimost as seasonal alternation of exacerbations of various ailments.

With respect to daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and temperatures in the mid-latitudes in the range of 2-3 mm Hg and 3-5 degrees in winter and 5-10 mm Hg and 10-15 degrees in the summer, and the wind speed of 7 m / s body healthy person they are almost feels.

In chronic distress, reducing the level of health, even these, the most common weather fluctuations, become a cause of painful meteosensitivity or meteozavisimosti up to meteopaty.

Dramatically worsen the condition and badly tolerated damp heat and damp cold. Aggravated cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

During summer heat in direct sunlight there is a risk of burns, heat stroke, sun allergy, in the winter when cold wet weather - and frostbite frostbite, cold allergy.

During the atmospheric fronts at high risk of vascular accidents at the different levels, most often in the form of brain and heart attacks, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, aggravation of heart and respiratory failure.

His contribution to make full moon and new moon, which, moreover, impair the mental state of the person, the solar magnetic storms.

A healthy lifestyle, regular-grade treatment of existing diseases, including taking into account the factors meteozavisimosti, make it easier to carry these effects of weather on the body.




A tornado can be seen as a violently rotating funnel cloud producing deafening rumbling sound. Tornados generally snake erratically along the ground in a southwesterly to northeasterly direction. WIND SPEED: Tornados generally travel over the ground at speeds between 20-90 km/h. SEASON: Prime months for tornados are May to September, with a peak season in June and early July. Most tornadoes occur in the afternoon and early evening. A Tornado precursor is warm humid weather.Tornado's heavy winds can effortlessly create havoc by toppling building and tossing cars like toys, lasting a mere minutes or hours. United States ranks first and Canada ranks second in the world for tornado occurrences, experiencing an average of 80-100 tornadoes annually, compared to an average of 1000-1200 in the United States each year. It causes an average 2 deaths, 20 injuries, and millions of dollars in damages. Unfortunately many more occur and go undetected when they do not hit populated areas. Disaster happens when it negatively impacts human and planetary life causing widespread human, material, economic and environmental losses which exceed community and societal coping mechanisms. Who suffers more when natural disaster strikes? The Poor, pregnant women, children, elderly and disabled members of societies in developed and less developed countries. N.A.S.A states that change in climate and weather could alter forests, crop yield, water supply, human health and affects the whole of ecosystem! Extreme weather condition (hot to cold, dry to wet and combinations of both) could cause devastation and even death to both animals and humans. Extreme weather is costly. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the build up of greenhouse gases -- primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Global warming triggers extreme weather conditions. Lethal weather affects global health, well-being and survival of all wildlife, plants and humans locally and globally. The whole of ecosystem suffers because of human abuse and/or irresponsibility of the environment. Stewardship of the earth was given to humankind. .GOD MADE HUMANKIND AS A CARETAKER OF THE EARTH (Genesis 2). There is new and stronger evidence that most of the global warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. EXTREME WEATHER IS IMPACTED BY GLOBAL WARMING WHICH CAUSES INJURIES, DISEASES, AND LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. Disaster happens when it negatively impacts human and planetary life causing widespread human, material, economic and environmental losses which exceed community and societal coping mechanisms.
EXTREME WEATHER CAN BE DISASTROUS, AND HAZARDOUS TO OUR HUMAN AND PLANETARY HEALTH! Disaster Prevention should include: Developing a Family Plan, Creating a Disaster Supply Kit, Having a Place to Go, Securing your Home, Having a Pet Plan. Environment Canada issues warnings, watches and special statements through the media for severe weather conditions. disaster preparedness arising from natural calamity (e.g. hurricane, tornado, ice storms and the like), terrorism, chemical and nuclear disaster.What to do during and after disaster. How to make a plan of escape from harm. Who does what? Safety tips and other important information. In Canada, please check: In the U.S., please check, Video source, courtesy of: BBC, The Earth Series (2002).
Regina, Saskatchewan - June 30, 1912 - 28 dead, hundreds injured
Edmonton, Alberta - July 31, 1987 - 27 dead, hundreds injured
Windsor, Ontario - June 17, 1946 - 17 dead, hundreds injured
Pine Lake, Alberta - July 14, 2000 - 12 dead, 140 injured
Valleyfield, Quebec - August 16, 1888 - 9 dead, 14 injured
Windsor, Ontario - April 3, 1974 - 9 dead, 30 injured
Barrie, Ontario - May 31, 1985 - 8 dead, 155 injured
Sudbury, Ontario - August 20, 1970 - 6 dead, 200 injured
St-Rose, Quebec - June 14, 1892 - 6 dead, 26 injured
Buctouche, New Brunswick - August 6, 1879 - 5 dead, 10 injured
(Environment Canada, 2007).
This is a public service information.