Friday, November 8, 2013


The impact of weather on human health What are the weather affect human health has long been known.

Even in ancient Greece, Hippocrates held regular weather observations and first noted meteozavisimost as seasonal alternation of exacerbations of various ailments.

With respect to daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and temperatures in the mid-latitudes in the range of 2-3 mm Hg and 3-5 degrees in winter and 5-10 mm Hg and 10-15 degrees in the summer, and the wind speed of 7 m / s body healthy person they are almost feels.

In chronic distress, reducing the level of health, even these, the most common weather fluctuations, become a cause of painful meteosensitivity or meteozavisimosti up to meteopaty.

Dramatically worsen the condition and badly tolerated damp heat and damp cold. Aggravated cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

During summer heat in direct sunlight there is a risk of burns, heat stroke, sun allergy, in the winter when cold wet weather - and frostbite frostbite, cold allergy.

During the atmospheric fronts at high risk of vascular accidents at the different levels, most often in the form of brain and heart attacks, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, aggravation of heart and respiratory failure.

His contribution to make full moon and new moon, which, moreover, impair the mental state of the person, the solar magnetic storms.

A healthy lifestyle, regular-grade treatment of existing diseases, including taking into account the factors meteozavisimosti, make it easier to carry these effects of weather on the body.




A tornado can be seen as a violently rotating funnel cloud producing deafening rumbling sound. Tornados generally snake erratically along the ground in a southwesterly to northeasterly direction. WIND SPEED: Tornados generally travel over the ground at speeds between 20-90 km/h. SEASON: Prime months for tornados are May to September, with a peak season in June and early July. Most tornadoes occur in the afternoon and early evening. A Tornado precursor is warm humid weather.Tornado's heavy winds can effortlessly create havoc by toppling building and tossing cars like toys, lasting a mere minutes or hours. United States ranks first and Canada ranks second in the world for tornado occurrences, experiencing an average of 80-100 tornadoes annually, compared to an average of 1000-1200 in the United States each year. It causes an average 2 deaths, 20 injuries, and millions of dollars in damages. Unfortunately many more occur and go undetected when they do not hit populated areas. Disaster happens when it negatively impacts human and planetary life causing widespread human, material, economic and environmental losses which exceed community and societal coping mechanisms. Who suffers more when natural disaster strikes? The Poor, pregnant women, children, elderly and disabled members of societies in developed and less developed countries. N.A.S.A states that change in climate and weather could alter forests, crop yield, water supply, human health and affects the whole of ecosystem! Extreme weather condition (hot to cold, dry to wet and combinations of both) could cause devastation and even death to both animals and humans. Extreme weather is costly. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the build up of greenhouse gases -- primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Global warming triggers extreme weather conditions. Lethal weather affects global health, well-being and survival of all wildlife, plants and humans locally and globally. The whole of ecosystem suffers because of human abuse and/or irresponsibility of the environment. Stewardship of the earth was given to humankind. .GOD MADE HUMANKIND AS A CARETAKER OF THE EARTH (Genesis 2). There is new and stronger evidence that most of the global warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. EXTREME WEATHER IS IMPACTED BY GLOBAL WARMING WHICH CAUSES INJURIES, DISEASES, AND LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. Disaster happens when it negatively impacts human and planetary life causing widespread human, material, economic and environmental losses which exceed community and societal coping mechanisms.
EXTREME WEATHER CAN BE DISASTROUS, AND HAZARDOUS TO OUR HUMAN AND PLANETARY HEALTH! Disaster Prevention should include: Developing a Family Plan, Creating a Disaster Supply Kit, Having a Place to Go, Securing your Home, Having a Pet Plan. Environment Canada issues warnings, watches and special statements through the media for severe weather conditions. disaster preparedness arising from natural calamity (e.g. hurricane, tornado, ice storms and the like), terrorism, chemical and nuclear disaster.What to do during and after disaster. How to make a plan of escape from harm. Who does what? Safety tips and other important information. In Canada, please check: In the U.S., please check, Video source, courtesy of: BBC, The Earth Series (2002).
Regina, Saskatchewan - June 30, 1912 - 28 dead, hundreds injured
Edmonton, Alberta - July 31, 1987 - 27 dead, hundreds injured
Windsor, Ontario - June 17, 1946 - 17 dead, hundreds injured
Pine Lake, Alberta - July 14, 2000 - 12 dead, 140 injured
Valleyfield, Quebec - August 16, 1888 - 9 dead, 14 injured
Windsor, Ontario - April 3, 1974 - 9 dead, 30 injured
Barrie, Ontario - May 31, 1985 - 8 dead, 155 injured
Sudbury, Ontario - August 20, 1970 - 6 dead, 200 injured
St-Rose, Quebec - June 14, 1892 - 6 dead, 26 injured
Buctouche, New Brunswick - August 6, 1879 - 5 dead, 10 injured
(Environment Canada, 2007).
This is a public service information.