Monday, January 13, 2014

IT COMES rare event of enormous destructive power

It is about the unlikely event of enormous destructive power 55 million years ago, at the boundary of the Paleocene and Eocene, something happened in the world. Here symptoms of something: the temperature is increased throughout the world either 5, or 6, or all 8 ° C. As a result, if the water in the tropical seas warmed by half a degree - somewhere up to 20 ° C, the Arctic Ocean by many estimates warmed up ten degrees and hardly deserving of the name. Especially considering the findings in the surrounding area who lived in that period of tropical species.

Needless to say, such a sharp warming could do without the extinction of a large number of living beings, unfit to dramatically changed circumstances.

IT COMES rare event of enormous destructive power

The graph clearly shows that 55 million years ago, the situation with the temperature even for the northern regions of the planet was completely resort. (Here and below illustrate Wikimedia Commons.)

Another strange symptom of that wondrous era has been a sharp increase in the concentration of carbon-12 in geological deposits, compared with carbon-13. This sharp that it is difficult to say how short was the length of time during which it occurred. From the analysis of geological samples which belong to this period is attributed to lightning warming sharp increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - other estimated five to eight times as compared with its current contents. Again, it is not clear whether this was a rapid growth.

Most geologists have traditionally agree on the fact that this happened in about 750-30 000 years. This variation is related to the fact that the geology of any of these periods is relatively short, and even tens of thousands of years called the growth of carbon dioxide looks unusual.

However, James Wright (James Wright) and Morgan Schaller (Morgan Schaller) izRatgerskogo University (USA) believe that colleagues are wrong. According to their estimates, furious growth in carbon dioxide occurred just ... year.

What made the gentlemen geologists do such a strange statement? As a result of analyzing the content of calcium carbonate in the samples corresponding to the period, the amount of sediment in one cycle (one year) fell by 5%. Scientists have considered it oceanic shelf sediments (Atlantic Ocean), where the accumulation of carbonates derived from living beings, is very active, much more intense than in the ocean as a whole.

In principle, it is clear that the decline in the number of carbonate shells of mollusks, usually supplying the substance in fat, should begin to dissolve in seawater before the appropriate shellfish after death to reach the bottom. This is only possible with a significant acidification of ocean water - acidification, is associated with a sharp increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and then in the ocean. Something similar, though much weaker, is happening on Earth today, as a result of irrational human activities.

So, the reasons are clear. It is not clear something else: that can so dramatically increase the concentration of carbon dioxide? Frankly speaking, many times to raise its contents for the year unable to even present mankind.

But then who can?

Collision with a comet meet this criterion, - reasonably notices James Wright. To clarify: in general, and once it is satisfied, the benefit of any traces of the enormous planetary eruptions or other extraordinary events that could lead to a cataclysm of carbon-dioxide, is not there. Calculations geologists say about the extraordinary figure of 3 trillion tons of carbon only one - to throw in a hard to find another candidate.

By the way, the discovery puts an end also to the theory metangidratnogo guns. If abrupt release of methane from hydrates thereof at the bottom of the northern seas and ever happened pozdnepaleotsenovogo climatic events caused no maximum methane and carbon dioxide - as a sharp increase in its content in one year alone could solve the problem of rapid warming without any assistant in the form of methane .

It is interesting that a comet with a large amount of carbon dioxide in its composition may explain the sharp increase in carbon-12 in geological deposits, and the notorious events of this modern iridium anomaly in Spain, had already refers to the effects of other scientists, the collision of Earth with a large celestial body.

IT COMES rare event of enormous destructive power

These cute tropical forests (sometimes called a misunderstanding jungle) at that time could well adorn themselves Antarctica and other polar regions.

We also recall that in the current climate of the Earth a lot of carbon dioxide. The comet, which could throw a few times more carbon than the atmosphere at all, must be extremely large. In other words, if the hypothesis is true American geologists, it is about the unlikely event of enormous destructive power.

in the wake of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, NewScientist,



Trans Siberian Railway Journeys

Copyright PBS 1996

The Trans-Siberian Railway or Trans-Siberian Railroad (Транссибирская магистраль, Транссиб in Russian, or Transsibirskaya magistral', Transsib) is a network of railways connecting Moscow and European Russia with the Russian Far East provinces, Mongolia, China and the Sea of Japan.


TRANSシベリアの鉄道 または TRANSシベリアの鉄道 (Транссибирскаяの магистраль、 Транссиб ロシア語、またはTranssibirskaya magistral', Transsibは)ネットワークのである 鉄道 接続 モスクワ そして ヨーロッパのロシア を使って ロシア極東部 地域、 モンゴル, 中国 そして 日本海.

部分/Part 2: X