Wednesday, March 12, 2014

ASTEROID 15m on the night of 09.28.2013 ON 29/09/2013 flew 11,000 km above the earth

The asteroid 15 meters on the night of 28.9.2013 on 29/09/2013 flew 11,000 km from the Earth's surface
ASTEROID 15m on the night of 09.28.2013 ON 29/09/2013 flew 11,000 km above the earthAn asteroid the size of 15 m in the night from 28.09.

2013 to 29.09.2013 flew 11,000 km from the Earth's surface.

The asteroid hit the closest point to the earth's surface after it was discovered one of the telescopes MASTER network in just 9:00.

Currently, he entered the zone where it is not possible observation.

We live that on a barrel of gunpowder.