Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Biological Rhythms
Biological Rhythms - One of the fundamental properties of living systems, man.

They carry out an essential function of coordination organismic phenomena and their synchronization with the rhythms of the environment, adapt to changes in the environment, and represents an intrinsic property of living matter as one of its dialectical contradictions at all levels of the organization, without exception, and in all the processes generated by it.

Compliance with periodic processes in living systems, the human body is not an exception to periodic processes of the environment reflects a causal relationship from the first second.

The human body, in accordance with his needs and the main purpose of high-quality long productive life synchronize its processes with the rhythms of the environment.

Under physiological conditions apply physiological rhythms. Pathological conditions - it more serious.

On the one hand - this is a violation of physiological biorhythms, or, even more often, adjustment of physiological rhythms under pathological process to ensure the best possible resolution of her (my principle of optimality of the disease).

On the other hand - this is the appearance of additional rhythms due to abnormal conditions. The simplest example, a chronic disease with the cycles of the cyclic exacerbation-remission.


biological rythms


A2 exercise on biological rythms