Friday, December 20, 2013

Ten billion population of the earth will not sustain

Ten billion people on Earth will not stand if the population continues to grow as fast as it is now, our grandchildren will see the Earth, plunging into an unprecedented environmental crisis, says scientist Stephen Emmott in his book Ten billion.

Ten billion population of the earth will not sustain

On this day, the human population on Earth crossed 7 billion

According to Emmott, nasha planet is home to millions of species, but only one of them is dominant - man. Activity humans leads to the fact that in nature there are more problems. And as the number of inhabitants in the world, these challenges are immense proportions.

I believe that the environment in which we are now can be called unprecedented planetary emergency - says the scientist.

Stephen Emmott notes that people, as a species, there were about 200 thousand years ago.

10 thousand years ago, the number of people on the planet has reached the first million.

By 1800, the ninth year we had already billion. And 50 years ago - three billion.

Who in the world has been living for more than seven billion people, and already 2050 a scientist predicts world population of nine billion.

The consequences of over-population is already reflected in the water. Regularly news report that a drought, then flood, and it is inextricably linked with the theme of climate change, reports Fedpost. Accumulation in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases, which is due to human activities, changing climatic conditions.

According to the researcher, with the growth of the world population there is a need in the consumption of more resources - need more water, more food, more land, more transport and more energy. As a result, the climate is changing more rapidly disappear from the face of the Earth's forests - people cut down trees to make way for factories and farms that would provide them with jobs and sustenance. By 2050, 70% of us will live in cities, says Emmott.

Over the next decades, he predicts dramatic climate change, land degradation, desertification and water stress. By the end of this century already, most of the world will be left without drinking water.

The development of industrial and transport sectors threatened by new emissions and, consequently, reduced immunity. In addition, the movement of people across the planet will lead to an exchange of new viruses and the emergence of pandemics.

The output of the impending disaster Stephen Emmott sees only one - to change behavior radically and globally. Simply put, people need to reduce queries and consume less. It depends not only on the ordinary people, but in the first place, says a scientist from the politicians who have to make wise decisions and laws that protect the environment from harmful human intervention.

 in the wake of



According to the millennium ecosystem assessment's four volumes of scientific peer reviewed journals ( humans are using ecosystem service resources faster than they are replaced or recycled leading to degradation of the Earth's bank of savings. This leads to the majority of the worlds environmental and some social problems. The solution is to reduce the 78 million unintended births that occur every single year through increasing funding for voluntary contraception and education. With a population of 2 Billion the world could support everyone at an average European standard of living, we passed 7 Billion this year.......

Footage courtesy of (copyrighted footage) and Space shots from NASA. Music by Nick Ingman / Terry Devine-King, "MARS" from the Audio network, licence paid.

More info:

Human Domination of Earth's Ecosystems Science 25 July 1997

Population growth in retrospect and prospect; Short. R 10.1098/rstb.2009.0144 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 27 October 2009 vol. 364 no. 1532 2971-2974

Scientists urge Rio moves on population and consumption BBC NEWS 14 June 2012