Passions around Acid Apocalypse of June 2014 is heating upDr. Albert Shervinsky, one of the astrophysicists of Cambridge, close to NASA, predicts that in June 2014 the solar system can destroy an acid cloud.
According to the scientist, now it is moving to our planet, and not just in the next year will clash, after which all living things die. Meanwhile, in the NASA said they did not have data on the acid cloud.
British astrophysicist Albert Shervinsky said that our planet from space moves the acid cloud that was born out of the black hole. The scientist making such statements, refers to his calculations, according to Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Shervinsky says that several years ago the cosmic X-ray Observatory, NASA «Chandra has recorded a huge cloud of dust and acid mist which is approaching Earth, destroying all the planets in their path.
Shervinsky believes that this cloud was generated by the activity of the black hole in the Milky Way. The good news is that finding the cloud confirms some pretty sharp ideas discussed in theoretical physics. The bad news is that the complete destruction of the solar system is inevitable, - said before Shervinsky himself, his words led Valery Chumakov in his book The End of the World: Forecasts and Scenarios . It should be noted that the data on the acid cloud appeared in the media a few years ago and periodically pop up again.
Meanwhile, NASA denied the information about the upcoming end of the world because of the acid cloud. Such data, the agency has not. However, some believe that NASA deliberately hides much of the information so as not to cause panic. As for the Russian scientists, they comment on the news of the cosmic cloud with noticeable skepticism.
It's some incredible nonsense. Like, say, the name of astrophysics? Shervinsky?
I only know the character of Bulgakov's The White Guard with a name like that, but I do not know astrophysics. So sleep well, no acid cloud is not - said the newspaper Evening Moscow graduate student of astrophysics and stellar astronomy MSU. University Vladimir Lipunov.
Regular communications about the Apocalypse begin to appear regularly with the approach of the new year. In the past year actively exaggerated theme that December 21, 2012 the Earth is waiting for the Apocalypse. It has been reported that the lama from the monastery Gyandrek under Kailas, known as the Oracle of Shambhala, wrote that the Earth will be in a certain area of approximately zero at 10 am Moscow time.
And it is in this day must end the Mayan calendar and come to an end. Despite this, the saga of the end of the world and has remained something and science fiction.
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