Autumn arrives with a flu epidemicAutumn usually does not come alone, but together with the epidemic of influenza. |
This year, as epidemiologists predict, Ukraine will prevail influenza virus A / California (H1N1), A / Victoria (H3N2) and B / Massachusetts.
By meeting with them to prepare now.
This simple tips will help renowned pediatrician Eugene Komorowski.
The main feature of the influenza virus - the ability to constantly change (in this insidious disease and - people do not have time to get immunity for a certain strain of the virus, as he has already changed). To date, three major medical known influenza virus types - A, B and C.
Since the virus is different in that it is stable, that is, if a person is ill with him once he gets immunity for life.
Therefore, they suffer mostly children.
Influenza B - volatile, but not as much as the influenza A virus, which is constantly changing - that it causes an epidemic.
By itself, the flu is not terrible, dangerous its complications - bronchitis, pneumonia, heart disease, meningitis.
The probability of getting these diseases increases if flu transferred to the legs, so the main condition for the treatment - bed rest.
How to become infected with the flu? The only source of transmission of the virus - a sick man.
The flu because you're cold or wet feet can not.
Most people become infected either at work (in school), or on public transport.
If possible, it is best to walk a few stops, you go to a crowded shuttle bus or trolley.
Of all modes of public transport during rush hour on the subway to get better, because there is good air circulation.
The best prevention of influenza - vaccination, but it shows only healthy people, and it must be done at least 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the epidemic.
It should be remembered that immunity following vaccination lasts 6-12 months, so last year's vaccination this year will be ineffective.
All the more so in the current season epidemiologists predict circulating virus strains which were not included in last year's vaccine.
Fans of the so-called people's means of prevention should be remembered that there is no magic remedy against flu does not exist.
Onions, garlic, and the more alcohol is absolutely useless.
The same applies to various immunostimulants, vitamins, and nutritional supplements.
Therefore, do not spend money to buy drugs shirokoreklamiruemyh.
Many people believe that will help protect against infection gauze mask.
This view is mistaken.
The size of the virus is so small that it easily penetrates through the many layers of masks.
But if the sick person wear a mask, it delays the droplets of saliva, which particularly high concentration of the virus through coughing, sneezing or even talking, it will somewhat reduce the risk of infection for the next are healthy people.
It should be remembered that the mask is quickly becoming wet from breathing and she actually becomes a source of infection.
Therefore, it should be changed every 2 hours or carefully iron with a hot iron.
The common route of transmission of the virus - infected through the hands of (the patient for the nose, the mouth and the virus gets on your hands).
It is therefore desirable to refrain from shaking hands and wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
And if not a handkerchief, but I want to sneeze, you better not do it in your palm, and elbow.
The flu virus feels comfortable in a dry, warm and poorly ventilated areas.
But he quickly breaks down in a cool, lively air. Because in the street while walking to catch the disease is difficult, especially in cold weather.
Houses should always ventilate the area and it is advisable not to include an additional heating appliance, as they are very dry air.
If it is cold in the apartment, it is best to dress warmly and preferably several times a day to do wet cleaning, especially if the house is sick.
There is an increased risk to catch the flu virus when the person takes the medication that dried mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract (this also applies to people who suffer them dry).
Therefore, mucous membranes should be constantly wet.
This can be done with normal saline (it should be placed in pshykalku) or ready sprays that are sold in pharmacies.
This is particularly important to do when going to a crowded place, such as a clinic. in the ordinary course of influenza can be done without drugs.
In the treatment of influenza is important to observe the following rules.
Sick - go to the hospital.
Transferring the flu on your feet, you not only risk your health, but is guaranteed to become the cause of contamination of several people. If you do not feel sorry for yourself, then at least have pity on others.
The main thing - bed rest. It is not necessary to run to the drugstore and buy a lot of drugs.
In the ordinary course of influenza can be done without drugs.
It will be sufficient fluid intake, nutrition, hydration of the nose and receive askorbinki.
Do not be carried away by the alleged antigrippoznymi (in which we try to convince advertising) preparations, based on - paracetamol.
Influenza virus, they have no effect, but the liver can plant.
And do not forget that the room should constantly be clean, cool, moist air.
Antipyretics should be used only when there is a high temperature (above 38 ° C).
Remember, the viral infection is not treated with antibiotics, should not be using them, and for the prevention of complications - to treat the disease before its onset is meaningless.
By the way, according to the State Service of Ukraine on drugs, including the Ministry of Health registered drugs, there are those that do not help in the treatment of influenza.
In particular, it anaferon, angistol and aflubin.
Useless flu medicines here.
Inna Biryukova
in the wake of
A mere flu shot... isn't it?
Now with English subtitles!
Seems like there were other things going on in the news a couple of weeks back. Bush-administration torture, the continuing economic meltdown, MPs expenses...
Never mind, eh?