Monday, February 17, 2014


On Earth, in the next two days are magnetic storm breaks out after a powerful solar flare
ON THE GROUND IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS MAGNETIC STORM erupted after a huge solar flareOn Earth, in the next two days are magnetic storm breaks out after a powerful solar flare.

Recently, despite the odinadtsatiletney peak of solar activity, the Sun has behaved relatively quiet and calm, slightly puzzled astronomers.

But it was the calm before the storm ...

Solar Dynamics Observatory, owned by NASA, recorded at Sun huge flash of the M-Class.

By nature flash M-class are the smallest, and safe for Earth events that are more or less can affect the signals at the poles of the planet.

The outbreak has received a classification of M9.4, on a scale from M1 to M9.9. This makes it one of the largest outbreaks of M-class - explain to NASA.

The outbreak occurred at 0:30 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Earth will feel its effects in a couple of days, - added to the space agency.

Check your outlet, kettles and irons. Scientists believe that in the coming weeks we can expect something more than a flash of the M-Class.

 in the wake of

3rd Solar Flare in Just 3 Days Just Unleashed


The sun has just unleashed another major solar flare, the third of its kind in three days, scientists say.
The huge solar storm occurred late Sunday at 10:03 p.m. EDT (0203 Oct. 28 GMT). It registered as an X-class solar flare — the most powerful type of flare the sun has — and followed two back-to-back X-flares that erupted from the sun on Friday (Oct. 25). NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a video of the new X-class solar flare as it happened.
This latest solar flare erupted from an active sunspot region called AR1875 and triggered a strong radio blackout when it occurred, officials with the NOAA-run Space Weather Prediction Group explained in a status update. The flare also coincided with a massive explosion of super-hot solar plasma — called a coronal mass ejection, or CME — which should reach Earth by Oct. 30 and could trigger minor geomagnetic storms in the planet's magnetic field, they added. [Solar Max: Sun Storm Photos of 2013]
Severe geomagnetic storms can cause disruptions in satellite communications and power grids, as well as pose a risk to astronauts in space, but the storm levels from this latest major flare should not be that extreme.
"The magnitude of that storm is also still being assessed, but initial observations and modeling indicate severe storming is NOT expected," SWPC officials said.
This latest X-flare registered as an X1.0 on the scale of solar storms used to track the sun's weather. It follows on the heels of an X2.7 flare and X1.7 flare that erupted from the active sunspot AR1882 on Friday.
Astronomers rank the sun's solar flares into three main categories: C, M and X. C-class solar flares are relatively weak. M-class sun storms are more powerful, but still considerate to be mid-level events, and can super-charge the northern lights displays caused by Earth's auroras. When aimed at Earth, the most powerful X-class flares are ones that can interfere with satellite-based communications and navigation systems, and also endanger astronauts in orbit.
The sun is currently in an active phase of its 11-year solar cycle and is expected to reach its peak activity level in the months ahead. Several intense M-class and C-class solar flares have erupted from the star over the last few days between the larger X-flares.
"This is the 3rd X-flare since Oct. 25th, which means solar activity is still high," astronomer Tony Phillips of wrote in an update.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is just one of a fleet of spacecraft monitoring the sun's current weather cycle, which is known as Solar Cycle 24 and began in 2008. Scientists tracking the cycle's activity, however, have said that despite several major flare events, this solar maximum period is the weakest of the last 100 years.

Aliens exist and multiply

Aliens exist and multiply
Aliens exist and multiplyAliens exist (at least in science fiction), but as they multiply? Information on this subject is extremely small, so we can only identify the mechanisms of reproduction that evolution has selected ... the world.

In science fiction, it often comes to artificial reproduction: usually for human cloning to produce organs and eugenics, ie the selection of embryos according to previously established criteria.

Science fiction is rarely focuses on the field or reproduction of aliens. Some works, however, talk about the intergalactic love, kidnappings and violent relationships. As is often the case, the aliens are a reflection of our fears and secret fantasies.

In addition, hybrids of people and the newcomers raise interesting questions regarding the classification and evolution of species.

Although the reproduction cycle of some aliens, and has been described in great detail (this applies, for example, biological cycles and different stages of development ksenomorfov in the movie Alien), the majority of sci-fi characters that does not apply. Even if the aliens and humanoid form, their reproduction (sexually or in some other way) do not usually say almost nothing.

Recall that half the world is not at all an essential characteristic of each species: the reproduction of most organisms (bacteria, plants, fungi, as well as flat and segmented worms) are vegetatively, that is a simple cell division with a doubling of the genetic heritage of chromosomes. This type of breeding is much easier to sex: for it is sufficient only kidney or cutting. Vegetative reproduction and more efficient in terms of number of offspring. Nevertheless, it becomes an obstacle to genetic mixing because offspring, in fact, represent the initial clones body.

The same applies to parthenogenesis: one female (often it becomes a queen) gives birth to identical offspring (males and females). This type of reproduction exists in some plants, insects, reptiles, and in most cases leads to the formation of a complex matriarchal society.

Whether it parthenogenesis or cloning, clones yet come to light in a natural way. When cloning becomes artificial, it raises concerns about the fact that in the future it may become the objects and people in the eugenic purposes. For example, in Star Wars (Episode II: Attack of the Clones) have developed biotechnology inhabitants of the planet Kamino secretly grown and prepared an army of clones based on the genes of the most dangerous bounty hunter.

Later in the movie The Island is described by the underground community of sterile clones: they are raised as organ donors for living on the surface of the rich.

Moreover, even if reproduction is sexual, it does not necessarily imply the existence of two separate sexes (male and female), as evidenced by the inhabitants of the earth are hermaphrodites: flowering plants (male and female sex organs, stamens and pistils are in the same flower) and land (the cochlea) and marine animals (clown fish life as a male, then becomes a female). Is not this fish has been a source of inspiration for the novel by John Varley Golden Globe in which genetically modified at the request of the actor changes sex to solo play Romeo and Juliet? Close encounters of the third to the third floor in the Seksomorfoze Ayerdalya: Emeline in this book, which (th) can easily change your gender, trying to find herself.

In addition, once sex is not only for reproduction but also for pleasure, some writers have portrayed the most that neither is on the hot scenes between humans and aliens. Philip Jose Farmer was one of the pioneers of erotic science fiction in Loving (written in 1952, the story was not accepted by publishers, but in the end came in the form of the novel in 1961), the author describes a dangerous liaison man who runs away from the formed theocracy in the world, and a beautiful extraterrestrial (she's human in form but in substance insectoid). Thus, Farmer used sex as a weapon of social criticism in Puritan America.

Thus, the shape, type, and methods of using sexual organs depend on the species and worlds: the world of insects genitals so dissimilar that it distinguish one species from others! On other planets may be all, unless of course, the size of mutually compatible. When from these intergalactic relations hybrids are born, they can be taken quite differently. Starseeds, peace symbol in the series «V» Kenneth Johnson, was the fruit of love, the human resistance activist and lizard from Sirius, who flew in for the invasion of Earth.

However, the most famous hybrid of science fiction is, of course, Spock of Star Trek, the symbol of the interplanetary miscegenation and respect for others.

This son of Vulcan's dugout and raises interesting questions in terms of phylogeny and classification of species. How is it called Spock? In zoology there are no clear rules, but usually uses a combination of syllables of the names of species of both parents.

For example, zebroid - a descendant of a zebra and a donkey (belonging to the family of horses), a natural hybrid, which has seen Darwin in South Africa. Here it is necessary to clarify that the first part of the name of the hybrid usually gives father: so tigrolev - it's a cross between a tiger (Panthera tigris) and lions (Panthera leo), while the liger - offspring of a lion and a tigress.

Thus, Spock could be called vulkaninom. Note also that he had a son, so he - able to breed hybrid. And this fact in turn said (at least from the standpoint of earth's classical biological) that his parents genes compatible. Thus, the Vulcans and humans are either the same species or the same genus. Suppose that Homo sapiens have priority over the Vulcans.

In this case, all the residents of Vulcan, including Spock's father, are Homo sapiens vulcanensis (if you belong to the same species) or Homo vulcanensis (if you belong to the same genus). It remains only to somehow explain the presence of the genus Homo on the planet Vulcan ... Perhaps the Vulcans - genetically modified people that are adapted to living in these conditions?

Or are we - had moved to Earth Vulcans?

This idea, by the way, brings us to a much more serious panspermia hypothesis, which implies that the first life forms on Earth were alien origin, for example, who came from space on meteorites amino acids.

Jean-Sebastien Steyer (Jean-Sebastien Steyer), Leuk Roland (Roland Lehoucq)

 in the footsteps of Le sexe chez les extraterrestres,

ALIENS ARE REAL!!! Proof of Alien Existence!


This is genuine footage of a real alien abduction. This proves once and for all that aliens actually exist!

Don't let the naysayers fool you, they claim that this video was made by amateur filmmakers, however, that is just a ruse formulated by the government to distract the masses from the truth.

Immunodeficiency WILL TREAT OR immunosuppressants Hahnemann

Immune deficiency will be treated by immunosuppressive drugs or Hahnemann
Immunodeficiency WILL TREAT OR immunosuppressants HahnemannImmune deficiency will be treated by immunosuppressive drugs or Hahnemann, in full accordance with its principle - like cures like.

In the U.S., the researchers came to the conclusion that the innate immune deficiency can be cured immunosuppressant. In this case, the scientists had to deal with quite a rare species of immune deficiency, which causes a mutation in the gene encoding the enzyme P110, involved in immune response.

As a result of mutations in patients with increased enzyme activity. It would seem that they were therefore have a stronger immunity, but in reality it was the opposite.

Experts from the National Institutes of Health in Betecde led GULBAKH Uzel investigated 14 people from seven families in age from 1 to 40 years. These people are constantly suffering from lung infections. All of the subjects found a mutation in the gene encoding the enzyme P110. It turned out that these people have been deprived of the lion's share of T-cell memory.

These cells help to see which organism infections are encountered, to respond quickly in case of a new appointment.

On the surface of T cells are the receptors that are able to recognize specially antigens present in the body, often - fragments of infectious agents. Learning antigen, lymphocyte begins to actively share in the blood and excrete special substances - cytokines that activate other cells of the immune system that can kill foreign cells that cause the activation of T-lymphocytes.

The researchers decided to use the drug rapamycin, known as an immunosuppressant. Usually it is used in transplantation to reduce the rejection of transplanted organs. Name of rapamycin was due to the fact that was first isolated from bacteria discovered on Easter Island (Rapa Nui).

Use of rapamycin helped to offset the excessive activity of the enzyme P110. The drug thus removes the disruption of white blood cells: excessive proliferation and increased survival.

  in the wake of Dominant-activating germline mutations in the gene encoding the PI (3) K catalytic subunit p110delta result in T cell senescence and human immunodeficiency,