Tomorrow 04/11/2013 New MoonTomorrow 04/11/2013 New Moon, and if health is not so, nightmares, insomnia, weakness, malaise, depressed mood, terrible pain in the joints, to the smallest of the limbs and spine, differential pressure and arrhythmias, do not look for other reasons.
The reason on the surface - in the new moon, and will have to strazhat for three or four years.
Otospitsya, slowly pull yourself together and into the fresh air, Gym fully hall, swimming pool, to aerobics, Pilates, all other sorts of physical exercise and Eastern European experiences, do not whine, do not whine, do not overeat, and physical and other exercises take away themselves from stray thoughts .
Do not forget the natural protivometeopaticheskie funds implicated at the root of ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, pantokrina, and others like them.
Things will get better.
Life has its own, private in the first place, and she had to give just a little support.
You can do it.
By the way, today, 03 = -11-2013 hybrid solar eclipse of the moon and it will, without which he could.
Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus, May 2013 -- Receive Your Consciousness Upgrade
Join Sonja as she shares about several upcoming Astrological events:
* A powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 19 degrees of Taurus (on May 9th, 2013 at 8:29pm EDT)
* This Eclipse happens on the South Node in Taurus -- and it's not only connected to the Sun and Moon, but also to Mars and Mercury!
* The finale of a 19-year cycle: the last Solar Eclipse in 19 degrees of Taurus (with the South Node) was in May 1994
* Pluto in Capricorn makes a supportive aspect to the South Node, Mars and Mercury in Taurus
What is truly valuable to you -- right here, right now?
What is no longer serving your highest purpose?
Where have things stagnated? What needs to be eliminated, so things can move again?
NEW! If you've ever wanted to dip your toes into the seas of Astrology, I've got just the thing: My Intro to "Soul-Based Astrology". You can purchase the video recording for only $15 at:
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All readings are done via skype or phone.