Group of optical phenomena haloHalo - group optical phenomena which occur in the atmosphere. Halo arise because of the refraction of light ice crystals forming cirrus clouds and fog.
Its name is an optical phenomenon of the French and Greek halo halos, so they call a light ring around the moon or sun. View of the halo can be quite varied, it may be rosy or white stripes, spots, arcs and circles in the sky.
The most familiar forms are bright halo rings around the moon or sun; Parghelia - false sun - bright iridescent spots to the right or left of the sun (moon); Okolozenitnaya arc - part of the rainbow which is convex to the sun; pargelichesky circle - white horizontal circle color, which passes through the disk bodies. Sometimes it can be confused with halo rims, but they have a different origin.
This optical phenomenon as the halo is a sure sign that the weather will get worse. After all, they often appear in front of the cyclone in thick haze and clouds are a sign of their appearance.
The most common form of the halo phenomenon can be called a circle. The radius of the circle is generally 22 ° or 46 °, the center coincides with the center of the solar or lunar disc.
Halo may have low color, color appears because of the refraction of light in a hexagonal prismatic crystals of ice clouds. If the color is not halo, it is simply the light reflected from the edges of the crystals. Types halo forms depend on the types of crystals as they are oriented in space and the height of the sun.
The appearance of a halo with a radius of 22 ° due to refraction crystal side faces when the main axis of the vertical direction are then on both sides of the solar disk having two light spots - False sun.
The appearance of the halo of 46 ° due to the refraction of light between the lateral faces and the base of the prisms.
Horizontal circle appears due to reflection side faces vertically disposed crystals, whereas the appearance of sunlight due to reflection of light column of crystals, which are preferably arranged horizontally.
Should be distinguished from halo rims. Crowns have a different origin and are due to diffraction of light. Typically, crowns occur in the mist near the artificial light sources. Externally the crown is a hollow circle of small radius, which approximates closely to the light source. In color, the range of pale blue, and just on the edge of a reddish glow.
Crowns are also called, and halos. The crown can be constructed, added to the main ring of one or more additional. The less light, the brighter colored crown.
In ancient times, the halo attributed mystical properties, particularly in the work The Tale of Igor's Campaign appearance of false suns interpreted as a sign of great foreboding. In 1551, during the long siege of Charles V of Magdeburg appeared false sun, it made a confusion in the camp of the besiegers, and was seen as a sign in support of the besieged. It was after the appearance of halos Charles ordered the siege of the city.
Sunny pole is one of the options represent a halo. Sunny (light) pole is a vertical bar that stretches from the sun during the sunset (sunrise). The appearance of the sun is due to flat hexagonal pillar or columnar ice crystals.
Solar pillars of 6 ° are called flat crystals, at a time when the sun is above the horizon, or behind it. Images may appear at 20 ° due to the columnar crystals, when the sun is above the horizon. Kind of a light pole depends on the mutual arrangement of crystals, which tend to occupy the horizontal position of the fall in the air.
in the wake of
Edwin, Knugen, Matte :: END - A Halo: Reach Montage - 100% MLG - Edited by NoPulze
Important Announcement:
This is a Halo: Reach tritage from Edwin, Knugen, and Matte, edited by NoPulze (, entitled, "END". The gameplay is pretty good, showcasing some sweet overkills and 2 for 1's. The editing is good too, showcasing an interesting intro, well-done effects, and on-point syncing. Enjoy!
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
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