Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Below is a calendar of pollen pollen calendar, tracking which allows to start and effectively implement preventive measures regarding biotic meteozavisimosti with clinical manifestations of different kinds of pollen allergy.

Pollen calendar in the middle zone of the Northern Hemisphere

Russian nameThe Latin nameThe flowering period
Alder (black)Alnus incana (glutinosa)March - April
Willow, TaraSalix acutifoliaApril - May
Black poplarPopulus nigraApril - May
BirchBetula pendulaMay
Common OakQuercus roburApril - May
Lipa ploskolistnayaTilia platyphillosJune - July
SprucePicea abiesJune
Scotch pinePinus sylvestrisJune
Timothy commonPhleum pratenseJune - July
CocksfootDactylis glomerataJune
Foxtail ordinaryAlopecurus pratensisJune - July
Tall fescueFestuca pratensisJune
QuitchElytrigia repensJune - July
Urtica diocaUrtica dioicaJuly
MugwortArtemisia vulgarisJuly - August
Wolf's barkDaphne mezereumApril
Taraxacum officinaleTaraxacum officinaleMay - July
Sumac tanningRhus coriariaJune - July

In the pollen calendar should not just focus on the calendar itself, but adjust it according to the events unfolding outside the window. Spring is early and late spring, for example, represent an earlier and a later starting point in the calendar.

Who has the knowledge, that is armed, the one in armor meteopata more easily pass through the thorns biotic meteozavisimosti.

Recall that the sources of pollen allergens yalyayutsya:

Deciduous trees (In the middle lane and gray alder, hazel pine, birch

warty, willow, willow, poplar, black and silver, aspen, common oak and Pontiac, lime ploskolistnaya)

Coniferous trees (Pine and spruce)

Grasses (Timothy, bluegrass, orchard grass, fescue, wheat)

Weeds (Ragweed, tsiklahena durshnikolistnaya, lambsquarters, dandelion

officinalis, stinging nettle, wolf bark, wormwood)

There are three waves of pollen

Spring - an abundance of tree pollen (high in April - May)

year - an abundance of pollen of cereals

summer-fall - an abundance of pollen of weeds weeds with high pollen and seed productivity.


UVic Fran Introduction Pollen Productions


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