Blue CheeseCheese appeared in the human diet almost simultaneously with bread or even earlier.
Today, the benefits of its high nutritional value and is known to all.
It has a lot of protein, especially vsngo required for normal circadian biological clock, or circadian, the synthesis of serotonin, which is the hormone of happiness, with as vitamins and minerals, especially calcium.
Calcium in cheese as much as in any product nor in fruits and vegetables, eggs and no legumes or cereals in, or even in other dairy products.
To get the daily requirement of calcium, enough to eat 100 grams of good cheese.
However, as the cheese must be able to understand. Currently, there are about 2,000 varieties of cheese, and of course, new. We'll briefly tell you about one of the most exotic to the people of our country types of cheese - cheese with mold.
The fact that the cheese is a delicacy, too, have heard everything, but not all of our fellow citizens have tried this type of cheese. The reasons may be different: fear, rejection, lack of information, inability to properly use it as a cheese, and just a lack of money - for elite varieties of blue cheese are quite expensive. However, you can choose - you just know how to do it.
First of all, the people of the smell deters cheese - it smells so that seems to have gone bad. And the taste is unusual - not like our usual cheese: melted, hard, soft, brine, etc. True connoisseurs of cheese understand that cheese - really a delicacy, and they know that it is rarely necessary, and little by little.
How everyday foods such cheese should not eat, because you can get some health problems.
Cheese can be hard or soft, but is generally of very fat cow's milk. However, some of the varieties of cheese made from goat's and sheep's milk - applies to them, and one of the most famous - Roquefort cheese and some of the countries of Eastern Europe.
There are several kinds of cheese, but the differences between them are not too significant. By the 1 st mind include cheeses with white moldy crust. The most famous of them - Camembert and Brie, which many have heard and we have.
For the production of these cheeses are curdled milk, and then salted. A cheese matures in the cellars, where they live mold fungi of the genus penicillin - there they covered all the walls, and call them noble rot. In the mature cheese such downy mildew cover the entire crust.
Next view - blue mold cheeses, and more specifically, with the blue-veined cheeses - too noble. On a cut of the cheese we see a lot of blue-green inclusions, and the most well-known varieties - Monty Tuyeres d'Amber, Gorgonzola, Bleu de Coss. Curdled milk is laid out in a special form, and when the whey drained, cheese rubbed with salt, and introduce a certain strain of the fungus.
To do this, the resulting curd stick needles special metal that help mold a better spread, cheese and place in a well-ventilated room for aging. Probably many paid attention to unusual stains and streaks, clearly visible on the cut of this type of cheese.
There are other types of mold cheeses - with obmytoy crust. They are called krasnoplesnevymi or savory. In the process of maturation of this special kind of cheese is washed with brine, to prevent the formation of a conventional mold. Then the cheese is treated with special fungal cultures that make cheese crust becomes red, burgundy, orange or yellow.
Kind of cheese is distinguished by the color of the crusts.
All types and varieties of mold cheese combines the technology of their production: they are processed by different strains of penicillin fungus.
It is useful if the blue cheese for your health?
Useful - if you have it in small amounts and not too often.
Nutritionists believe that this cheese is beneficial bacteria that help the intestines, and Turkish scientists have discovered yet another useful feature of mold cheeses: noble rot contains special substances that can protect our skin from the sun's rays. When these substances are accumulated in the subcutis, we have more melanin is produced, and the risk of sunburn is significantly reduced.
How to eat cheese?
He has a sharp, strong taste, so recommend to submit with strong drinks, such as tannic wines.
However, some cheese connoisseurs claim that he is not compatible with wine, except for some white wines.
Blue cheese is served to the table when it is heated to room temperature - with vegetables, fruit, crackers and crispbread. The British eat this cheese with herbs and add to the soup, the Italians added to pizza and sauces, while the Danes simply eaten with bread. Salads can also be prepared with the addition of mold cheeses except Roquefort - it is better not to mix with anything, and there are separate.
Can cheese with mold be harmful?
The fact that the penicillin fungus used in the production of this type of cheese, isolated antibiotics that inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria. That is why at the time of them and learned how to make penicillin.
If there is a cheese mold with a rare and little, then there is no danger for health, but their frequent use may adversely affect the intestinal microflora, and even cause dysbacteriosis, especially after diseases associated with intestinal infections.
In addition, fungi contained in the cheeses, the frequent use of them can cause allergies. The fat content in these varieties of cheese is also quite high, so we get to him quite a lot of calories. Healthy person can eat no more than 50 grams of cheese a day, but better still smaller.
Blue cheese is strictly forbidden to use pregnancy as molds can badly affect the fetus and even cause his death. Young children cheese is also not allowed to prevent the development of listeriosis - a dangerous disease that affects the liver, lymph nodes, and the nervous system.
How to choose and buy cheese?
In blue cheese should not be too noticeable channels through which it receives the mold, and generally, the cavities filled with blue mold, the cheese must not be too much. Cheese should be slightly loose, moist and tender, and should not be distributed.
Do not just buy Roquefort or Camembert - they have too unusual taste and smell. You can buy a soft cream cheese or brie, and try them with pears or grapes. If you really want to start with blue cheese, you can first buy the cream cheese, which is quite compatible with sweet tea and coffee.
Buffalo Wings -
1 kg Chicken Wings
1 cup Plain Flour
6 Tablespoons Butter
1 1/2 Tablespoons White Vinegar
1 Teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce
1 Teaspoon Tabasco Sauce
1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
Shake of Salt
6 Tablespoons Byron Bay Chilli Co. Heavenly Habanero Chilli Sauce
Blue Cheese Sauce
Celery Sticks
Blue Cheese Sauce -
4 Tablespoons Butter
6 Chopped Spring Onions
150 Grams Blue Vain Cheese
500 Millilitres Thickened Cream