Earth is under the supervision of extraterrestrial civilizationsEarth is under the supervision of extraterrestrial civilizations, and mankind has not developed such a technique to detect the device space alien origin. This conclusion rishli scientists from the University of Edinburgh, after a series of mathematical calculations.
The devices are similar in size series devices Voyager, gaining speed of about 30,000 kilometers per second. Journalists in Science publication Market Leader remind us that this is an order of magnitude smaller than the speed of light. Devices travel the galaxy and are accelerated by stellar gravitational slingshots.
Their speed exceeds the speed of the Voyager 100 times.
Stellar slingshot involves the use of gravity of two stars. Launched by NASA in 1977, the Voyager 1 and 2 used the method using the force of attraction of the planets of the sun. Scottish experts believe that, likewise, can be applied to the gravity of the stars.
Scientists have tried to detail the operation of the apparatus, capable of self-replication. Work Forgena Nicholson and published in the International Journal of astrobiological. If the device reaches the clouds of interstellar dust and gas, where there is most stable elements in the periodic system, it can use them as material for self-replication.
The new device will operate on the same principle.
The researchers calculated that at a speed of 30,000 kilometers per second, these devices are able to study every Milky Way star system for 10 million years.
This time period is a small part of the age of our planet
This confirms once again the paradox of Enrico Fermi, who drew attention to the lack of space in the traces of extraterrestrial civilizations. There are several theories explaining this situation. Dr.
Forgen says that the case in the imperfection of technology available to people who are not able to detect extraterrestrial equipment. Scientists suggest that the idea of aliens to enter into contact with beings that are not inferior to them in the scientific development and intelligence.
The question of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations have always aroused special interest in humanity. Above him are fighting more than one hundred years, and in fact as not only cheated a scientific minds in order to prove that life beyond our planet really exists. However, so far no one in any way meaningful argument that would prove the existence of aliens, and is not there.
However, according to scientists, traces of aliens on Earth is left, as the whole history of our planet has undergone a lot of changes, such as glaciers, floods, the movement of continents or their faults, some continents are left on the ocean floor, others were raised from the bottom.
According to scientists and UFO, aliens visited Earth most of the times of the ancient civilizations, such as in the time of Maya. Experts argue that the Maya had even passed the whole area of higher knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, and some of them they have kept up to date, although do not have their own written language.
This proves, for example, rock painting, which depicts missiles and people in suits, the runways for their aircraft, stone astrological calendars, pyramids for storage of certain information, and more.
How do these figures might appear - does not solve, so scientists believe that this is proof that our ancestors were still-contact with aliens. By assumption, UFO, aliens visited Earth to educate people.
Imagination, and only. But not yet. Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov, ... also fantasized. Their fantasies materialize.
So why not?
in the wake of
ET's & UFO's Vol 2
Date: 05-2013
Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions.
Steve Quayle contends that most citizens in the West are unaware that they've been fed a carefully edited view of the past, tailored to prop up the powers that be and keep humanity ignorant. Comparing common strands in the legends of the North, Central, and South American native cultures, he found evidence for aliens or star people who bred with humans, the presence of stargates or interdimensional portals, and various creatures who have a supernatural aspect such as giants, Sasquatch, and skinwalkers (beings that can change shape or form). Institutions like the Smithsonian have deliberately kept such information from the public, he commented, adding that America's name didn't actually come from a European explorer, but from an Incan ruler, Tupac Amaru (glowing serpent), and their land which mapmakers of the era called Amaraca.
"Even the very name of America, North and South leads to Quetzalcoatl [feathered serpent god]...the giant who came from the East who settled Mesoamerica," according to the Aztecs, Quayle remarked. "We're talking about entities that could transform themselves into different shapes, i.e. fallen angels-- Virococha is who the Mayans worshiped in the same manner as Quetzalcoatl," he added. He also cited the term "nephilism" to describe the fallen angels who mated with Earth women to produce giants. What perhaps pioneering researchers such as Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Daniken missed is that the ancient astronauts or Annunaki were actually the Nephilim or fallen angels, described in the Bible, he argued.
Many Native Americans have reported seeing portals opening before their eyes, and their oral histories detail a race of giants who were cannibals, Quayle stated. They also describe Bigfoot or Sasquatch as highly intelligent creatures that can travel dimensionally (according to Quayle's military sources the creatures can communicate telepathically). The Book of Enoch writes that when giants were killed, they became disembodied spirits, which Quayle suggested are the incubus and sucubus, predatory sex demons that sometimes plague humans while they sleep.