Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Melting Arctic ice and permafrost DANGER FOR HUMANITY

The melting of Arctic sea ice and permafrost is dangerous for mankind Melting Arctic ice and permafrost is dangerous for mankind.

Climate warming in the Arctic will result in changes for the entire planet, including catastrophic.

High North is rapidly melting permafrost, lakes form, with their bubbles float to the bottom of methane.

Some Siberian lakes area since 2006 has increased by five times.

As for the Arctic Ocean, an area of ice in the summer, is sharply reduced, and estprognozy that by 2030 the ocean for the summer will be ice-free in its entirety.

On the global implications of the changes say little. But if the direction of currents in the oceans will change in Asia could disrupt the monsoon schedule that affect agriculture, and nearly 2 billion people can stay without food.

Emissions of methane from thawing subsoil can unwind uncontrollably flywheel global warming.

Today in the permafrost zone is a quarter of the total land area of the Northern Hemisphere. Here and there, and it stretches under the ocean floor. Because of its melting already collapsing buildings and tear ducts, but the most dangerous - is the presence in its deposits of organic carbon in the form of frozen remains of animals and plants.

Scientists studying the carbon cycle, believe that the bacteria that devour all organic matter in melting permafrost layer will generate heat and thus accelerate the melting depth.

In Siberia, the carbon will be emitted into the atmosphere mainly in the form of methane, a powerful greenhouse effect causes.

The land falls, there are more thermal karst lakes. As a result of the deep layers of the permafrost may not disappear after 500, as previously thought, but after 100 years, scientists have explained to the publication.

Meanwhile, in the Arctic, there are other natural sources of methane. The sediments in shallow water, and in a warming emissions are also accelerating. As a result, even if anthropogenic emissions of gases has stopped warming unstoppable, emphasizes the publication.

Melting ice in the Arctic is also dangerous because the salinity of the Arctic Ocean is falling.

Meanwhile, the river - again due to warming - into the ocean 10% more fresh water than a half-century ago. The result can be broken mechanism known as the conveyor of currents in the oceans - the thermohaline convection. A flow speed is reduced, and in colder northern Europe, and in Asia, it is possible to cease the monsoons - the main source of water for the region, which provide food every third person on the planet.

How likely is such a scenario, it is not clear, but ignore this option is dangerous. Warming in the Arctic should worry not only polar bears, the author concludes.





The Mother's words to the daughter about how priests with lawful faculties of absolution, no matter what kind of sinners they themselves are, are able to absolve from sins; the same applies to the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Chapter 41

The Mother speaks: "Go to him who has the faculty of absolution. No matter how leprous the doorkeeper is, he can still open the door as well as a healthy man, provided he has the keys. It is the same with absolution and the sacrament of the altar. No matter who the minister is, provided he has a lawful faculty of absolution, he can absolve from sins. Therefore, no priest is to be rejected.

However, I would forewarn you about two things. The first is that he will not get what he so longs for in the flesh. The other is that his life will soon be cut short. Just as an ant that carries its load of grain day and night sometimes falls down and dies right when it gets close to the nest, and the grain remains outside it, so too, right when this man has begun to reach the goal of his efforts, he will die and be punished, and his empty efforts will come to naught."