Hybrid Solar Eclipse 03/11/2013Hybrid solar eclipse will be visible 3/11/2013 Atlantic Area residents and Africa.
With a hybrid, or annular-total eclipse of the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface so that the type of the eclipse changes from full to a ring-shaped.
Last hybrid solar eclipse on Earth occurred in April 2005, following the expected in 2023.
The eclipse will begin at 14.04 MSK 03.11.2013, when the Moon's penumbra touches the earth's surface in the western hemisphere (Caribbean, Latin America, East Coast USA).
Phase annular eclipse will last about 15 seconds, after which it will go into full phase.
Moon's shadow will pass across the ocean and reach the shores of Africa.
At 18.27 MSK total phase of the eclipse is over, after another hour - will be penumbral phase.
Russian experts from the Irkutsk State University, traveled to Kenya to observe a rare eclipse.
in the wake of EvroSMI
Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse Views from Africa Kenia 03 11 2013
Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse Views from Africa Kenia 03 11 2013