The cause of sleep solvedThe brain has a limited amount of energy, and it must, therefore, apart from waking with enviable frequency fall asleep when freed of toxins and restores resources, says Maiken Nedergaard.
The results of scientific observations with colleagues, led to the discovery of the so-called glimfaticheskoy system, revealed that the latter seems to be especially designed to remove harmful substances from the brain.
Neuroimaging mice showed that during sleep glimfaticheskaya system increases its activity 10-fold. Because of this glial cells decrease in size, increasing intercellular distance in the brain, which increases the flow of fluid to it, freeing it from accumulated toxins. This mechanism is critical for the normal functioning of the brain, but it can only work while you sleep.
So sleep the brain is needed not only to streamline the mental functions, but simply the release of toxins.
Possible without such treatment and problems begin to memory at least degenerative brain diseases such mechanisms violated.
Sleep and wakefulness in humans of the circadian biological clock, or circadian.
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40 Minutes of Iso Chronic Sound Waves and Music to Induce Sleep
Click "SHOW MORE" for complete details.
Warning -- No person with epilepsy or any other seizure-based illness or brain injury should ever listen to binaural or iso-chronic beats a.k.a. soundwaves.
Iso-Chronic Beats to induce sleep for those with an overactive mind at bedtime.
You can download the MP3 version here:
This video also includes one of my own photographs as I am a Hobbiest Photographer too. You can see my photography at: Link Shortener - Not a Virus.
Sit back or better yet laid-back in a comfortable position, close your eyes, put on your stereo headphones, and attempt to clear your mind by listening and focusing all of your attention on the music in this recording.
If you are interested in Natural Medicine, you can find my Public Facebook Page at: Link Shortener, not a virus.