Musculo-skeletal apparatus of the second part of Gerontology
CHAPTER 15 osteo-articular And the muscular system
Table of Contents:
Introduction to Part One of Gerontology
Old age and evolution of the first part of Gerontology
Introduction to Gerontology
Theories of aging from the first part of Gerontology
Biological basis of age of the first part of Gerontology
Senile period of the first part of Gerontology
Ecology and sociology of the first part of Gerontology
Old age and general pathological processes of the first part of Gerontology
The nervous system of the second part of Gerontology
Cardiovascular system of the second part of Gerontology
The system of blood from the second part of Gerontology
The respiratory system of the second part of Gerontology
The digestive tract of the second part of Gerontology
The internal secretion and genitals of the second part of Gerontology
Tissue of the internal environment of the second part of Gerontology
Musculo-skeletal apparatus of the second part of Gerontology
Urinary organs of the second part of Gerontology
Male and female parts of the second set of Gerontology
The skin of the second part of Gerontology
Diseases of old age, the third part of Gerontology
Nosology of the third age of Gerontology
Atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases are the third part of the Gerontology
Mental disorders of the third part of Gerontology
Diseases of the digestive system of the third part of Gerontology
Diseases of the respiratory system of the third part of Gerontology
Diseases of the endocrine glands of the third part of Gerontology
Diseases of other organs and systems of the third part of Gerontology
Geriatrics and oncology of the third part of Gerontology
Infectious diseases of the third part of Gerontology
Problems of diagnosis of the third part of Gerontology
Conclusion and literature of the third part of Gerontology
IV Davydovskij underestimated. His contribution to the biology and pathology of the human - the top, unattainable. He has to learn, it should be re-read, to rethink, to learn, to teach it others.
His gerontology - that biological clock biological time in astronomical time, the natural understanding of an important period in the life of each of us.
Osteo-arthropathy and mionatii occupy a very prominent place in gerontology. Associated with them change in appearance, body structure, silhouette, posture, gait, handwriting old people, etc., not to mention the complaints of ailments, concentrated mainly in the field of voluntary movement. Changes osteoarticular system occur early, at the age of 40-50 years, and even before, but in most cases they occur dull, until they reach a certain severity, as it were, when suddenly, without any special occasions and prodrome, there are certain painful conditions in the form of, for example, rheumatoid pains, radiculitis, especially in the shoulder girdle, the lumbar spine.
Among the early symptoms include, in particular, reducing the mobility of the cervical vertebrae, as indicated by the age of 50.
Senile osteoporosis - a permanent phenomenon. Its base consists of physiological age-related changes in the protein and mineral metabolism concerning phosphorus and calcium. Protein-based bone-like proteins and other tissues experiencing osteoporosis negative shift in the self-renewal. Significant bone mass are therefore resorption, tumor weakens the bones, which implies the fixation of calcium phosphate on a protein basis.
Decreases intestinal absorption of calcium in low gastric acidity.
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