Fluoroquinolones and neyroptiyaFDA USA has issued a new warning on the safety of fluoroquinolones, the use of which is associated with an increased risk of developing peripheral neuropathy.
Peripheral neuropathy can occur soon after starting treatment and may become chronic.
In North America, the fluoroquinolones are among the most prescribed antibiotics.
In 2011, outpatient retail pharmacies were given prescriptions for oral ftorhilony 23 million patients and has 3.8 million inpatients
these should be appointed in the injectable form.
Unpredictable side effects of fluoroquinolones are hemolysis, renal failure, liver toxicity, prolongation of the QT interval of ECG.
For this reason, temafloksatsin, grepafloksatsin, trovafloxacin and gatifloxacin withdrawn from the market.
Now, to the list of safety of fluoroquinolones added risk of peripheral neuropathy (neuropathy).
A recent review of disability FDA Adverse Event Reporting System c 01-01-2003 on 01-08-2012 showed that peripheral neuropathy developing soon after the beginning of treatment
fluoroquinolones (several days).
Some patients, after the abolition of fluoroquinolones neyrovatii continue to experience symptoms for more than 1 year.
Patients should be given advice to in contact with your doctor prescriber, they reported they had a place symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs or arms.
FDA advises write neftorhinolonovye receiving fluoroquinolone antibiotics if they have symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, if the doctor is not sure that the benefits outweigh the risks of treatment with fluoroquinolones.
Fluoroquinolones, along with other antibiotics are the first-line therapy of infectious diseases of seasonal meteozavisimosti.
All about the interaction between quinolone antibiotics and dairy/antacids. Did you know that taking maalox and ciprofloxacin together can make the antibiotic (cipro) ineffective??