Friday, March 28, 2014


The study is based on the measurement of HRV RR-intervals with the construction and subsequent analysis of the numerical series constructed mathematical methods.

The most often used HRV parameters: the average heart rate (mChSS) and its standard deviation (SDNN), the percentage of the number of pairs differ by more than 50 milliseconds, the successive normalized RR-intervals for the entire period of record (PNN50), the coefficient of variation (CV), total spectral power of HRV (TP) and the capacity of its spectral components - a) ultra low (ULF), b) is very low (VLF), c) low (LF) and d) high-frequency (HF). The above spectral components in humans usually attributed to the following frequency intervals: ULF: 0-0.0033 (Hz), VLF: 0.0033-0.04 (Hz), LF: 0.04-0.15 (Hz), HF: 0.15-0.4 (Hz).

Advance training


An excerpt from the "Arm, Wrist, & Shoulder" Advanced Myofascial Techniques training DVD series with Til Luchau, Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute® Faculty, and lead instructor, Film of original workshop-sponsored by the Rolf Institute®. Available from 877/499-8811