Stress does not stick sweetsStress does not stick sweets, will not benefit, but noticeable damage. Also remark, of course, we are talking about distress, for stress - the basis of a healthy life without it in any way.
Bad day? Eat cookies. Life went awry? Chocolate should help.
Sad at home? Sit in front of a TV with a glass of wine and a bowl of ice cream.
It looks like you? You are not the only person who tries to seize stress sweets. According to the researchers, in the past 50 years, consumption of processed sugar has doubled.
However, the new data show the opposite specialists process - the more sugar we consume, the greater are fueling depression.
According to the group of doctors, scientists, nutritionists, psychiatrists and psychologists who have studied the relationship between food and mental health - there is a correlation between behavioral changes and the level of sugar in the blood.
Refined sugar and products containing sugar into the body very quickly, which increases the amount of insulin produced. In connection with this oil is accumulated and not burnt, and as a result of changes in blood sugar levels. The higher the level, the instability of the our mood, and the more painful reaction to stress again that we have seized sweets - says nutritionist James Durand-List.
According to studies, the average Briton consumes 238 teaspoons of sugar a week. As the brain scans, the sugar can be addictive body like a drug.
Nutritionists recommend consuming at times of stress berries, green vegetables, turkey and nuts. Berries are full of vitamin C and also full of fiber, which helps control blood sugar levels. Vegetables replenish the body with vitamins and minerals.
Turkey contains an amino acid that produces a useful hormone serotonin. Nuts improve the immune system and are full of vitamins to help reduce, so write, stress.
Reduce, stress, stress is not necessary. Should intervene only in distress, and not always reduce, because if the lack of response to the stimulus and distress hyporesponsiveness, so it's time to whip up. The same stress.
In any case, however, does not stick stress sweets, otherwise painful meteosensitivity not be avoided.
in the wake of
Madonna - Sticky & Sweet Tour DVD Buenos Aires, Argentina - Full Show HD
Madonna - Sticky & Sweet Tour (2008) FULL CONCERT HD
GYPSY part of the show, feat. "Kolpakov Trio" -
Vadim Kolpakov Dance: 0:56:40 Spanish Lesson, 1:05:22 La Isla Bonita,1:10:56 Doli Doli, 1:14:00 You Must Love Me,
1:17:36 Don't Cry For Me Argentina.
0:03:31 Candy Shop
0:07:15 Beat Goes On
0:11:40 Human Nature
0:15:34 Vogue
0:20:04 Die Another Day
0:23:04 Into The Groove
0:28:48 Heartbeat
0:33:39 Borderline
0:37:25 She's Not Me
0:42:05 Music
0:47:10 Rain/Here Comes The Rain Again
0:51:08 Devil Wouldn't Recognize You
0:56:40 Spanish Lesson
1:00:32 Miles Away
1:05:22 La Isla Bonita
1:10:56 Doli Doli
1:14:00 You Must Love Me
1:17:36 Don't Cry For Me Argentina
1:20:24 Get Stupid
1:23:27 4 Minutes
1:28:07 Like A Prayer
1:33:41 Ray Of Light
1:42:33 Like A Virgin
1:45:27 Hung Up
1:51:32 Give It 2 Me
1:59:25 Credits.
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