Sublingual immunotherapy food allergiesMoran TP and colleagues performed an overview of clinical trials in sublingual immunotherapy.
The conclusions to which they come, are as follows:
- food allergies grows and becomes a dangerous epidemic in Western countries
- strict dietary restrictions partially solve the problem, since the aggravation occur on a regular basis and lead to a significant decrease in anxiety patients with their quality of life
- in the last decade is actively developing sublingual immunotherapy as a potential way to treat food allergies
- Row clinical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of sublingual immunotherapy in some patients, but until a permanent solution is still far and require long-term clinical trials.
Not so simple under the sun, and not just the food, we understand, but also any other kind of allergy as the first component of the biotic meteozavisimosti.
There is a.
Environmental Allergies and Sublingual Immunotherapy with Dr. Kroker
In the U.S., 20 percent of adults and nearly 40 percent of children are affected by environmental allergies. Many people with mild to severe environmental allergies look to sublingual immunotherapy when avoiding their allergies and treating with medication such as anti-histamines are not working.