Niacin did not potentiate the statins in reducing cardiovascular eventsNiacin did not potentiate the statins in reducing cardiovascular events.
No benefit even in patients with very high levels of lipoproteins.
Favorable changes in their levels, and the appointment of retard form of niacin does not translate into a reduction in cardiovascular risk.
Recall that niacin is vitamin B3 or PP, which suschestvuyuet in the forms of nicotinic acid and nikotinomida. First nicotinic acid obtained in 1867 as a derivative of nicotine, and in 1937 established its biological significance.
But do not bother to vitamins and vitamin B3, one of them only accept in kind as part of a healthy diet, and if meteozaviismost rolls over.
Pills do not help, even in retard form, except that the purse desolate ..