Uncontrolled use of protein products provokes heart diseaseUncontrolled use of protein products provoke disease, primarily by increasing the risks of heart attack and stroke.
Reducing the amount of carbohydrate intake by 10% if the volume of the protein by 20% increases the risk of myocardial infarction by 25%.
Any changes in the daily diet of this nature are fraught said, and their ilk complications.
Conclusion on the surface - only healthy food in a healthy lifestyle.
Scho zanadto, it is not sensible, even if it is a protein.
Diabetic Nephropathy is a Complication of Uncontrolled Diabetes
Diabetic Nephropathy- complication of uncontrolled diabetes in which Kidneys fail progressively leading u to Dialysis - Kidney Replacement . Diabetic Nephropathy or Chronic Kidney disease takes time to manifest but is not amenable to any treatment. This reiterates the need to control Diabetes, uncontrolled Blood Glucose levels may cause many other complications, like those of eyes, Heart, Brain, Foot, Nerves etc..
Diabetic Nephropathy- complication of uncontrolled diabetes in which Kidneys fail progressively leading u to Dialysis - Kidney Replacement . Diabetic Nephropathy or Chronic Kidney disease takes time to manifest but is not amenable to any treatment. This reiterates the need to control Diabetes, uncontrolled Blood Glucose levels may cause many other complications, like those of eyes, Heart, Brain, Foot, Nerves etc..