The mystery of birth aurora disclosedThe mystery of birth aurora finally revealed. What causes the aurora? The interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere of the Earth! How exactly this interaction causes them?
Until recently, scientists did not know the answer to this question.
But recently, it all became clear - these wonderful natural phenomena caused by the process of reconnection of magnetic field lines, because of which the plasma flows rushing toward Earth.
It should be noted that scientists have long known what exactly causes disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere, as well as those phenomena that are associated with such changes in space weather - such as the aurora. In all this, blame the solar wind - a stream of plasma, which from time to time our star emits into the environment. Particularly stormy emissions are in the so-called solar storms - they provoke such a powerful plasma shots that when they reach the area of the Earth from them begins to shake and rumble as the ionosphere and magnetosphere and the atmosphere of the planet (as well as the blood pressure of many weather-sensitive beings).
But that's the way it's solar wind affects the atmosphere still was not clear. The fact that observations of this kind were very difficult - usually in the area of direct influence of the plasma on the magnetic field of the Earth turned out to be only one unit observer. Well, he could not keep track of all because of the continuous movement of particles from different sides.
That's why I keep getting the picture incomplete.
Recently, however, scientists have finally been able to fully describe in detail the interaction of space plasma flows from the Earth's magnetosphere. It managed to carry out a group of researchers from the U.S. and Japan, under the guidance of Vassilis Angelopoulos of the University of California at Los Angeles (USA). Astrophysicists, using long-term data sets from spacecraft THEMIS, ARTEMIS satellite and the Japanese space agency, even managed to measure the total energy supply space weather near the Earth.
In the words of Professor Angelopoulos: Apparently, this is comparable with the Electric Power Plants of all terrestrial plants. The process took more than 30 minutes, and the amount of energy released was equivalent to an earthquake of 7.1 magnitude on the Richter scale. The scientist also noted that fully observe the process and determine the amount of energy turned out because this time the data came from a whole group of satellites.
Each of them gave a fragment of which, after astrophysicists were able to lay down the whole picture.
Thus, according to the group Angelopoulos, the main mechanism of energy release called reconnection of magnetic field lines of the Earth. I recall that reconnection is the process whereby magnetic field lines from different magnetic domains come together and quickly rebuilt. Speaking of reconnection occurring in the magnetosphere of our star, then, by the way, because of him, and at times we are exposed to attacks of the solar wind - a magnetic reconnection of power lines magnetic energy heats the surrounding areas of the solar atmosphere and accelerates charged particles to high speeds.
But back to Earth - according to scientists, the energy of the particles in the solar wind interaction with the magnetic lines of our planet gradually moves them. At the tail end of our magnetic field, located on the other side of the planet, which is opposite the Sun begins to contract two edges of the particles. When the lines are shifted so that the two of them that were previously open, close up, the energy of the magnetic field is betrayed particles at the point of attachment.
This makes them an accelerated plasma that can get this or that direction, but mostly she still rushes toward Earth.
Well, here's the process is already active in the radiation belts of the planet, as well as in areas that are close to the magnetic poles. Its something we see as the aurora and other interesting celestial phenomena. Finally, we found that nourishes the northern lights and the Earth's radiation belts.
We can keep track of all this energy, seeing when and where it is converted into other forms of energy - not hide his delight principal investigator Vassilis Angelopoulos. He adds here that this discovery can significantly improve the prediction of the energy dissipation after the reconnection of magnetic field lines - that is, the accuracy of forecasts of space weather will be much higher.
Scientist colleagues say that now, after the method worked, you can try to estimate the parameters of the solar wind and magnetic field, and in other planetary systems, as the energy of reconnection depends on the capacity of the magnetosphere. And then the scientists will be able to solve the riddle of auroras on Jupiter, which, as we know, is much greater than the earth, or any other in the solar system ...
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