Psycho-emotional state of a person depends on the weatherPsycho-emotional state of a person depends on the weather. In the middle zone of the northern hemisphere established unseasonably cold and cloudy.
This weather can adversely affect the psycho-emotional state of the person and the doctors recommend to take care of the hold.
This weather is quite capable of not only spoil the mood, but also give a boost to the development of depression.
The cause of mental discomfort, which can clearly be felt in these days is the lack of vitamin D and sunlight.
Among the most common symptoms of seasonal depression specialists call the mood swings, lethargy, overeating, loss of concentration, anxiety, and even the extinction of sexual desire.
Experts advise using available methods to protect their mind and maintain the tone in this difficult period.
Should be possible as often as possible to go out in the daytime.
Recommendations for the prevention of seasonal depression here.
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