Good luck in raznotsvete physiological meteosensitivity of the dayHave a nice day! wish / instruction letter received from friends with a recommendation to send all of whom care about. All those in the address books sent. But a lot of friends on the Address Book has not yet signed up. And it is not a problem, because it can bring the publication of that with joy and do.
We call it in line with our theme - a successful cloudless day with a physiological meteosensitivity. In our time, climate change is a restriction can not hurt.
I. Health
1. Drink lots of water.
2. Breakfast - like a king, lunch - like a prince and dinner - as a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that produce trees and plants and eat less food that plants produce.
4. Live with THREE E: Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Play more games.
6. Read more books than last year.
7. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
8. Sleep 7 hours a day.
9. Walking 10-30 minutes each day, and during the entire walk SMILE!
II. Character
10. Do not compare your life with others. We have no idea what is the meaning of their way in this world.
11. Do not let a negative thought and all the things that you can not control it. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
12. Do not overdo it, know your limits.
13. Stop treating yourself too seriously;
still no one shares with you that feeling.
14. Do not waste your precious energy on gossip.
15. More often sink into dreams and dreams into the waking hours.
16. Envy - a waste of time. You already have everything
you need.
17. Forget issues of the past. Do not remind your partner about past mistakes.
It will ruin your happiness in the present.
18. Abandon feelings of hostility. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
19. Begin to live in peace with your past so that it did not spoil the present.
20. No one is responsible for your own happiness but yourself.
21. Understand that life - a school, and we are here to learn.
Problems - it's just part of the curriculum: they appear and disappear in the memory of her, as
algebra course - but the lessons you learned in this class will be with you the rest of your life.
22. Smile more and laugh.
23. Not necessarily win every debate. Agree with the fact that everyone is entitled to his opinion.
III. Relationships with others
24. More often call family.
25. Each day do something good to others.
26. Forgive everyone for everything.
27. Spend more time with people
who are over 70, and with people that are less than 6.
28. Try to force a smile at least 3 people every day.
29. Cease to be interested in what other people think about you.
30. Maintain a relationship: your job will not take care of you when you're sick - it will make your relatives and friends.
IV. Life
31. To do what must be done.
32. Throw out anything that is not useful,
beautiful and brings joy.
33. Remember that no matter how good or bad the situation was not, it will change.
34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and go to a better chat!
35. The best lies ahead!
36. When you woke up this morning, thank the universe for another day of life.
37. Your Inner Self is always happy.
So be HAPPY!!!
V. And last, but not least:
38. Send this to everyone you care about someone.