Multivitamin supplements increase risk of deathMultivitamin supplements increase the risk of death, for scho zanadto, it is not reasonable.
October 10, 2011 researchers University of Minnesota found that death rates among women taking multivitamin supplements are higher than in those who did not. Two days later, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic found that men taking vitamin E, are at greater risk of cancer of the prostate. It was a tough week for vitamins, - said Carrie Gann (Carrie Gann) in the news on the TV channel ABC.
In the obtained results it was nothing new.
Seven of previous studies have shown that vitamins increase the risk of cancer and heart disease as well as reduce life expectancy. However, in 2012, more than half of all Americans take vitamin supplements. However, very few people aware of the fact that the origins of hobbies vitamins was the same person.
This man was so obviously right that he received the Nobel Prize, and so obviously wrong that it can probably be considered the world's largest charlatan. In 1931, Linus Pauling (Linus Pauling) published a paper in the Journal of the American Chemical Society entitled The Nature of chemical bonds» (The Nature of the Chemical Bond). Before this publication have been known to chemists are two types of chemical bonds: ionic, in which one atom gives its electron to another atom, and covalent when the atoms together hold electrons. Pauling argued that things are not so simple - the common possession of the electrons, in his opinion, should be placed somewhere between ionic and covalent bonds.
The idea of Pauling revolutionized this field, combining quantum physics with chemistry. His concept was in fact so revolutionary that the editor of the magazine, received the manuscript, he could not find anyone who could write a review on it. When Albert Einstein was asked what he thought about the work of Pauling, he shrugged and said, For me it was too difficult.
For one this article Pauling was awarded the Prize of the Langmuir (Langmuir Prize) as the most outstanding young chemists in the United States, he became the youngest member of the National Academy of Sciences, was promoted to full professor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and, in addition, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry. Pauling at the time was 30 years.
In 1949, Pauling published in Science magazine article entitled sickle cell anemia, a molecular disease» (Sickle Cell Anemia, a Molecular Disease). While researchers have known that hemoglobin (the protein in blood transports oxygen) crystallizes in cells of humans suffering from sickle cell anemia, which causes pain in the joints, blood coagulation and death. But they do not understand why this is happening. Pauling first to show that sickle-hemoglobin has a slightly different electric charge, and it significantly affects the quality of how hemoglobin reacts with oxygen. Pauling gave rise to the opening of a scientific field called molecular biology.
In 1951, Pauling published an article in the book Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences» (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), entitled Protein Structure» (The Structure of Proteins). Scientists have known that proteins are made up of groups of amino acids. Pauling suggested that proteins also have a secondary structure which is determined by the way they are superposed on each other.
One configuration he called alpha-helix» (alpha helix) - this was later used by James Watson (James Watson), Francis Crick (Francis Krick) to explain the structure of DNA. In 1961, Pauling took a blood sample from the gorillas, chimpanzees and other apes at the zoo in San Diego. He intended to find out whether you can use a mutation in hemoglobin as a kind of evolutionary clock.
Pauling showed that humans diverged from gorillas about 11 million years ago, that is, much earlier than expected at the time of the scientists. One of his colleagues later commented: In one fell swoop he combined disciplines such as paleontology, evolutionary biology and molecular biology.
Pauling's achievements were not limited to science. Beginning in the 1950s - and over the next 40 years - he was the most recognized activist for peace. Pauling protested the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, rejected the suggestion of Robert Oppenheimer on the participation in the work on the implementation of the Manhattan Project, confronted Sen. Joseph McCarthy, refusing to utter the oath of loyalty, publicly argued with such hawks in the area of nuclear weapons as Edward Teller, forced the government to admit that nuclear explosions can damage human genes, persuaded other Nobel laureates speak out against the war in Vietnam, and also wrote a bestseller called No to war!» (No More War!). Pauling's efforts have led to the conclusion of the treaty banning nuclear weapons tests.
In 1962, he received the Nobel Peace Prize and became the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes are personal. In addition to his election to the National Academy of Sciences, the two Nobel Prizes, the National Medal of Science and Medal For Merit (this award has been awarded to him by President of the United States), Pauling received honorary degrees from the University of Cambridge, University of London, and the University of Paris. In 1961, his portrait appeared on the cover of the magazine Time «Man of the Year, it praised as the most outstanding scientist who ever lived on the planet.
But at some point all the thoroughness, hard work and a deep understanding of who made the Linus Pauling descriptions, were negated.
Vitamin Supplements Linked With Higher Death Risk in Women, Study Finds
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