How not to catch a coldCold wet autumn, the beginning and the end of winter, others like autumn spring - the transitional seasons when the probability of catching a cold or get sick of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI) increases dramatically. The first contingents of risk - young children and the elderly, but the danger lies in wait for anyone.
Rules to maintain the health of the health transition season are pretty simple:
1) dress warmly, preferably in a few clothing items such as cabbage, required a warm dry shoes, do not forget the hat prot olovnoy
2) heat the house, and when not much work, then the bed, using a Water heaters, but do not sleep on them, turning off at bedtime
3) high-calorie eating, do not forget about meat, fish and organic dairy products, but without giving up the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, increase the use of clean water daily to 1.2-1.5 times
4) to move more, more often make simple cyclic exercise directly into the apartment, which improve metabolic processes in the body that increase heat production and help sustain the physical and mental shape
5) to be away from the crowds
6) do not forget about adaptogens, in small doses, aspirin and those with him NSAIDs
7) Do not forget about personal hygiene
Take care not to catch cold
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