Fritjof Capra. The Tao of Physics This is a very important book. It shows the unity of the physical and the spiritual world, their indivisibility, communication, understanding, as the basis of our communication with neraznyvnoy Cosmos and cosmic essence of each of us. Very worthwhile to read.
Much of our world will become clearer.
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Fritjof Capra. The Tao of Physics
The book of modern theoretical physicist and philosopher
describes the most important physical discoveries of the XX century in the field of nuclear
physics and quantum mechanics, the author points
unsolved until the paradoxical nature of public events. To
address emerging with the theoretical problems it
tries to use them intuitively contemplative approach
characteristic of the spiritual and philosophical teachings of the East. Book
written in simple language, without the use of mathematical
unit, and is addressed to philosophers, theologians, physicists, and
and - a wide range of readers.
Preface to the Second Edition 5
Preface to the First Edition 9
Chapter 1. Modern physics - the way to serdtsemv? 12
Chapter 2. Know and see 22
Chapter 3. Outside of the language 40
Chapter 4. New Physics 46
Chapter 5. Hinduism 72
Chapter 6. Buddhism 79
Chapter 7. Chinese Philosophy 86
Chapter 8. Taoism 96
Chapter 9. Zen 102
Chapter 10. The unity of all things 108
Chapter 11. Outside the world of contrasts 122
Chapter 12. Space-time 138
Chapter 13. Dynamic Universe 166
Chapter 14. Emptiness and Form 183
Chapter 15. Cosmic Dance 201
Chapter 16. Symmetries in the world of quarks and more
a koan? 220
Chapter 17. Models for Change 232
Chapter 18. The interpenetration of 258
Epilogue 278
Again on the new physics - the afterword to the second edition 284
Bibliography 299
It must be true that universal statement,
according to which, all the time thinking about the world,
developments that have taken the most far-reaching consequences, often
occurs at the moment of interaction between two different systems
thinking. The latter could belong to completely different
ages, religious and cultural traditions and disciplines;
so if they do interact, that is, had
so much in common that it became possible to their true
interaction of one would expect new and exciting
Werner Heisenberg. Preface to the Second Edition
This book was first published seven years ago, and
conceived - more than a decade. Therefore, it is appropriate to tell
readers what has happened since this book, with physics and
with by me.
When I found the parallels between the world views
physicists and mystics have been studied before, but never
been the subject of careful research, I was sure
that in the future these quite obvious parallels will be realized
each. Sometimes I even thought that my function in writing
The Tao of Physics - just check the obvious facts. I do not
deceived in their expectations: in spite of the fact that the financial
support and advertising my book were very small, both in the U.S. and
in England it was met with enthusiasm, and now in the world
There are about a dozen of its publications.
The reaction of the scientific community, as expected, was
more cautious, but in this environment is growing interest in expanding
the scope of application of the results of physics of the twentieth century.
It is not surprising reluctance of modern scholars recognize
the concurrence of mystical beliefs about the
universe with its own, as mysticism, in
At least in the West, has always been associated with something
mysterious and utterly unscientific. Fortunately, this situation
gradually changing for the better. Now that East
philosophy became interested in a sufficiently large number of people and
Meditation is not an object of ridicule and suspicion,
Scientists have also begun to take mysticism seriously.
The success of The Tao of Physics has led to major changes in my
life. In recent years, I have traveled a lot with lectures, speaking
the scientists and the people of different professions. Discussing
the use of new physics, I was able to much
better understand the reasons why in the last twenty years
West, there was a strong interest in Eastern mystical
teachings. Now I am inclined to regard this interest as one
manifestation of a more general trend towards
overcoming the imbalance in our culture - in our thoughts and
feelings, evaluations and criteria of social and political
structures. In my view, this imbalance can be described
with the fundamental concepts of Chinese philosophy - yin and yang.
In our culture, a clear preference for the values and
approaches, in which the predominant masculine - JAHN, and
neglected its integral women's complementary - yin. We
preferred affirmation association, analysis - synthesis
rational cognition - intuitive, science, religion, race
-- cooperation and so on. The one-sidedness of development reached
to dangerous levels, and led to the social, economic,
moral and spiritual crisis.
However, at the same time, our eyes began
big movement in the minds and hearts of confirming the ancient
Chinese saying that JAHN, reaching its peak
development, retreating in the face of yin. The sixties and seventies
years have seen a number of changes in public
Psychology: a growing concern in relation to environmental
problems, a strong interest in mysticism, feminism, revival
interest in healing and medicine - all - compensation for
the fact that in our society for a long time dominated the rational,
masculine principle, and a way to restore the natural
equilibrium. Thus, awareness of the deep relationship
modern physics and Eastern mystical teachings - one more step
to develop a new view of reality, provided
a thorough review of our values, perceptions and
thought. In my second book, The Turning Point, I examine
various aspects and implications of this transformation in the western
The fact that the current changes in our system,
values can be reflected in many scientific disciplines,
may seem surprising, if you believe in the absolute
objectivity of science and its freedom from the estimates. However, the new
physics denies the possibility of the latter. Additions to the quantum
theory made by Heisenberg and described in detail in this
the book clearly show that the classical notion of
the objective nature of science obsolete. Modern physics, so
way, challenging the myth of objectivity of science. Structures
which scientists study the world around them, which is closely linked to
* patterns of thinking - the concepts, thoughts, system
values. Consequently, the theoretical and practical
Arthur M. Young and Fritjof Capra - Institute for the Study of Conciousness
This wide ranging discussion was recorded in 1980 at the Institute for the Study of Conciousness in Berkeley, California. Featured are Arthur Young, author of The Reflexive Universe and the Geometry of Meaning, and Fritjof Capra, author of The Tao of Physics.
Producer/director: Arthur Bloch
Interviewer: Harris Freeman
Cameras: Mike Shedlin, Randy Elliott
Sound: Barbara Tenenbaum
NOTE #1: This is not a Thinking Allowed program. I am using this account to upload the video because TA is allowed to post videos longer than 15 minutes.
NOTE #2: These videos were rescued using extensive video preservation procedures. There are occasional glitches, but we should be thankful that we have them.