Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Meteopatii Throughout his life, a man of his body constantly decides adaptive (adaptive) problems. First prinoravlivayas, adjusting or resisting harmful, now increasingly abnormal, disease-causing shock from a different kind of stress.

For such effects are of various kinds and meteorological changes. We, of course, respond to the races and barometric pressure, and changes in temperature and humidity, and even (and here it is as yet little-known) - to change its ionization. And at an excessively positive air ionization many feel sluggish, broken tired exhausted. By the way, this is - the main cause of the so-called fen disease, very often affecting people in Europe, and not only is it one.

But the fen - a warm, moist air.

But with the prevalence of negative air ionization people may experience elation, vigor, energy rush. And in the United States is designed peculiar treatment chambers filled with negatively ionized air, allowing to treat some neurotic disorders including depression (particularly asthenic component). However, long before ionizing lamp Chizhevskogo appeared at us, and now they are commercially available.

Occasionally, without any clear periodicity in the Sun is a kind of explosion, which resulted in the interplanetary space off huge streams of charged particles (it is - solar plasma). And when they reach the magnetic shell of our Earth, it interacts with her, causing her outrage.

Between a quarter and a third of all people on the planet are meteopatami and they apprehend, feel like the approach of most of these magnetic storms (often even for 1-2, and then for 3 days), as well as themselves, the storm.

Especially react strongly to these stress people with various diseases of the cardiovascular system. They may increase blood pressure, poor circulation (especially in the coronary vessels of the heart muscle). And since during magnetic storms (and even at the start of their occurrence), many reduced vital capacity, it is, of course, may exacerbate various lung diseases.

But it is especially sensitive to the natural disasters like the central nervous system. A person can fall ingenuity, attention to deteriorate, it may become slow or even stalled, it is often a heaviness in my head and even headaches, he becomes irritable, and many more, and decreased mood. And all this can occur in healthy people.

Our full health, as you can see, in many respects depends on a considerable number of natural factors. And of course, not only from one of the stars in the sky! Here's why you should be treated with a certain dose of skepticism to the notorious astrological forecasts, predicting good time for all of us (besides wholesale!) Adverse to our health today.

If the short-term (based on a scientific basis) the forecasts we are sufficiently accurate, the accuracy of the long-term forecasts are often low. As, however, and forecasts Earth's magnetic field disturbances caused by explosions on the Sun (according to experts, their accuracy reaches only about 80%).

So judge for yourself - whether you should blindly trust that the most unfavorable forecasts days, galore fill the pages of periodicals and even appearing in television programs? You probably already knew that it is impossible to predict exactly - whether you are in these very days in a painful or simply a weakened state or, on the contrary, will be on the peak of their adaptive capacity.

All of us are subject to certain cyclical fluctuations. For example, along with well-known to all daily, monthly, seasonal and annual variations in the rhythms of life processes are also 6-7-day cycles of change in the rhythm of life of our body (which depend mainly on the periodicity of solar activity). Furthermore, there are 23-day somatic (physical) 28-dnen vye emotional and intellectual 33-day cycles of biological (in which the activity peaks gradually replaced blocked downs).

And during the day several times a day cycles to the mental state of the person and power. If you do not belong to the so-called extreme types of people (owls and larks), the increase in activity (with a decrease in pain sensitivity) begins with you and 9:00 am and from 10 am like average (the most common) a person is in their best sportswear. By 12 o'clock comes a time to mobilize all forces, then, to the hour of the day, begins the decline in activity (the most pronounced from 13.00 to 14.30).

Then, at 15.00, there is a rise of her, followed by an hour should be a gradual decline. From 20.00 speeds up all human responses, from 21.00 exacerbated the so-called part-memory (which, by the way, is used by many students and people of intellectual labor). 22.00 comes with a new general decline - the body begins to prepare itself for sleep.

Else should I know about the so-called psychological mood. Hypochondriac, impressionable, vulnerable, and the more hypochondriacal people, checking their health with the predicted adverse health and wellness days, be sure to feel at least some deterioration in their own well-being! This is in no small part on the mechanisms of self-hypnosis.

From all of this, however, should not lead to the conclusion that it is necessary to completely ignore real detrimental (especially meteoneblagopriyatnye) days.


How can protect themselves from the harmful effects on themselves, their health meteokataklizmov, primarily magnetic storms?

The main challenge in combat and combat them is to strengthen the central and autonomic nervous system, as well - the cardiovascular system. And for this purpose should be to adopt some fairly simple techniques:

1. The morning did not start with a hearty breakfast, and on the charge, walking or even jogging.

2. Do not forget the contrast shower or at least a wet grindings for the training of their blood vessels.

3. Especially important is breathing exercises. .

4. Must complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages and a minimum of restrictions on smoking.

5. It should adhere to the principles of good nutrition. That means in short: reducing calorie consumption (especially in the midst of 'natural disasters') of food to 1/4-1/3 of the normal daily diet (with an increase in its admission to 4 - 6 times a day). Calorie reduction should be achieved by limiting the consumption of meat and animal fats.

6. All kinds of good tempering!

7. And of course, you must use all known you exercise and mental self-control skills and techniques bioenergizatsii.

Sample menu for meteoneblagopriyatny day:

BREAKFAST - oatmeal (preferably water) porridge.

SECOND BREAKFAST - 2 apples or plums or saucer 1-2 bananas (which, incidentally, is a good antidepressant, along with citrus improves mood, increases energy potential, and if blood pressure rises, then to some extent, align it).

Lunch - salad with vegetables, milk, or (even better) vegetable soup, boiled meat (better - birds) with herbs, and vegetables, and fruit, or (better) vegetable juice.

DINNER - boiled fish or cottage cheese casserole and tea (with severe weakness and can be tough).

FOR UP TO 2 HOURS OF SLEEP - a glass of kefir (biokefir), yogurt or broth hips.

Especially recommended in meteoneblagopriyatnye days included in the diet cabbage containing essential enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, as well as special bactericidal (ie, anti-microbial) substance - lysozyme.