High blood sugar level causes problems with memory, even a person without diabetesHigh blood sugar level causes problems with memory, even a person without diabetes.
Scientists from the Medical University Charité in Berlin analyzed data from 143 people aged 63 years with diabetes.
Measurements were made of the level of sugar in the blood, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure the size of the hippocampus, which determines the memory and learning ability, as well as conducted testing for the ability to remember.
It was found that the sugar level is higher, the less the case with memory.
It is important that individuals with blood glucose levels within normal limits its reasonable reduction may be a promising strategy in the prevention of age-related cognitive decline and memory problems
Sugar really is harmful to everyone, and he, too, not just one salt of a problem for human health.
Less refined sugar on our table, more healthy food!
Clinics -- Playlist Introduction
Technology advanced medicine to its current amazing achievements when treating acute conditions. Yet in chronic conditions medicine utterly fails since it applies Cartesian reduction for the explanation of disease. Accordingly, organism is a complex machine with a soul. Disease is a malfunction of a component. Treatment consists of component repair or its replacement.
In chronic disease this view fails. Nevertheless medicine continues to view disease as an error or malfunction. Cancer is a genetic error. Diabetes is an error of glucose control. In reality the human organism is extremely complex and cannot be reduced to its elements. Above all this complexity is optimal, and manifested by homeostasis. Medicine lacks concepts how to handle this optimal complexity.
In this and in other playlists I explain what I mean by an optimal complexity. It is a different view of the disease concept. The organism is a complex dynamic system evolving with time, and it maintains an optimal homeostasis.
In order to explain what optimal complexity is, I start with a simple system like a machine.
Health and disease are two states with a different optimality. Homeostasis is maintained in health and in disease. Clinical reasoning is the only way to save medicine from its current gene doom. Yet medicine is eager to abandon it since it is regarded as unscientific. Personalized medicine is hailed as its new science.