The man is oriented in space thanks to coordinate neuronsMan, like, among others, and other living organisms (shown in rats), oriented in space thanks to coordinate neurons (grid cells), which underpin GPS brain.
The peaks of the excitation of neurons coordinate form a hexagonal grid.
These neurons are not to be confused neurons place responsible for certain areas of the modeled space.
In humans, unlike rats coordinate neurons are not in the same entorhinal, but also other areas of the cortex, such as the prefrontal, associated with epizodcheskimi memories, consciousness and decision-making.
Scientific Proof: Why Women Fall in Love Faster than Men Brain Diffrences
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Scientific Proof why women tend to fall in love faster than men.
The differences between the male and the female brain have been very well documented. One of the most fascinating differences is the processing of information. Women tend to process information in both the left and the right hemisphere of the brain while men tend to process information only in the left hemisphere. The communication between the two sides of the brain makes the female brain comparable to a cargo net where everything is connected and the male brain comparable to a stack of disconnected boxes. This phenomenon has been thought of as one of the factors that contributes to women falling in love faster than men.
One of the main reasons why the female brain is so highly linked is because of the section of the brain which transfers information between the left and the right hemisphere. This section which makes the brain connected is called the Corpus Callosum. The Corpus Callosum is bigger in women (it can be up-to 10% bigger). As a result the transport of information between the two hemispheres is much simpler in a female brain. Female's brain is like a continuous cable; emotions, love, clothing, food, intimacy etc. are all connected. A male brain however is highly compartmentalized and almost disconnected compared to the female brain. There is a different section for food, sports, love, emotions, intimacy etc. This is why talking to a man who is watching TV can be so frustrating sometimes; the male brain isn't wired to focus on more than one thing at a time.
Another reason for the effective communication between the two hemispheres is the White: Gray matter ratio in the two sexes. The brain is made primarily of two different types of tissue, called Gray matter and White matter. The Gray matter has a higher density of neurons while the White matter has a higher connectivity between the neurons. Men think more with their Gray matter and their brains have 6.5 times more Gray matter than that of women's. On the other hand women think more with the White matter and they have about 10 times more White matter than men do. There is a higher level of networking between the neurons in the White matter which once again provides an explanation for the highly connected female brain.
The male brain is on average larger than the female's. Because of the compact space in a female's brain, the neurons are packed in tightly, so that they're closer together. This proximity, in conjunction with speedy connections of the white matter, will once again make the female brain highly linked. The connection of the two hemispheres is often used to explain why women can fall in love easier and faster than men.
Due to the Corpus Callosum, the higher proportion of White matter and the compact packaging of the neurons, the female brain is highly connected, much like a cargo net. As a result of the wiring women's emotions and sex-drive are in close ties making her capable of connecting her emotions to love, whereas in men dating, relationship, sex and love are all in different departments, causing men to take a longer time to make the connection that women are naturally born with.
While the connection of the hemispheres may contribute to the easier transfer o information in the female brain, it does not in any shape or form translate to intellectual superiority. In one study, men and women were asked to sound out different words. Men relied on just one small area on the left side of the brain, while the majority of women used areas in both sides. However, both men and women sounded out the words equally well, indicating that there is more than one way for the brain to arrive at the same result.
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Scientific Proof why women tend to fall in love faster than men.
The differences between the male and the female brain have been very well documented. One of the most fascinating differences is the processing of information. Women tend to process information in both the left and the right hemisphere of the brain while men tend to process information only in the left hemisphere. The communication between the two sides of the brain makes the female brain comparable to a cargo net where everything is connected and the male brain comparable to a stack of disconnected boxes. This phenomenon has been thought of as one of the factors that contributes to women falling in love faster than men.
One of the main reasons why the female brain is so highly linked is because of the section of the brain which transfers information between the left and the right hemisphere. This section which makes the brain connected is called the Corpus Callosum. The Corpus Callosum is bigger in women (it can be up-to 10% bigger). As a result the transport of information between the two hemispheres is much simpler in a female brain. Female's brain is like a continuous cable; emotions, love, clothing, food, intimacy etc. are all connected. A male brain however is highly compartmentalized and almost disconnected compared to the female brain. There is a different section for food, sports, love, emotions, intimacy etc. This is why talking to a man who is watching TV can be so frustrating sometimes; the male brain isn't wired to focus on more than one thing at a time.
Another reason for the effective communication between the two hemispheres is the White: Gray matter ratio in the two sexes. The brain is made primarily of two different types of tissue, called Gray matter and White matter. The Gray matter has a higher density of neurons while the White matter has a higher connectivity between the neurons. Men think more with their Gray matter and their brains have 6.5 times more Gray matter than that of women's. On the other hand women think more with the White matter and they have about 10 times more White matter than men do. There is a higher level of networking between the neurons in the White matter which once again provides an explanation for the highly connected female brain.
The male brain is on average larger than the female's. Because of the compact space in a female's brain, the neurons are packed in tightly, so that they're closer together. This proximity, in conjunction with speedy connections of the white matter, will once again make the female brain highly linked. The connection of the two hemispheres is often used to explain why women can fall in love easier and faster than men.
Due to the Corpus Callosum, the higher proportion of White matter and the compact packaging of the neurons, the female brain is highly connected, much like a cargo net. As a result of the wiring women's emotions and sex-drive are in close ties making her capable of connecting her emotions to love, whereas in men dating, relationship, sex and love are all in different departments, causing men to take a longer time to make the connection that women are naturally born with.
While the connection of the hemispheres may contribute to the easier transfer o information in the female brain, it does not in any shape or form translate to intellectual superiority. In one study, men and women were asked to sound out different words. Men relied on just one small area on the left side of the brain, while the majority of women used areas in both sides. However, both men and women sounded out the words equally well, indicating that there is more than one way for the brain to arrive at the same result.