Our universe has created the Universal MindOur universe also created the Universal Mind, it should be from the article.
In academic circles, discussing the idea of the existence of a continuum of information or an information field. It is possible that for a very long time, on the orders of a superior age of our universe, this field has accumulated a huge amount of information about the past, present, and to some extent about the future, about the various relationships between phenomena. This is the kind of Universal Mind, which is capable of forming complex problems associated with the development of cosmic processes.
It is possible that the Universal Mind has existed in our region to the world of matter, and that he has designed and spawned our material universe, providing the appearance of it over time, the person, and, possibly, other sentient beings. It may also be that the Universal Mind determines the fate of the people and invisible controls everything happening on Earth, while leaving the man a certain degree of freedom of choice.
It is possible that the Universal Mind can be replenished by various information not only about the course and interaction of natural processes, but also thanks to the intelligent inhabitants of the universe, including man. It is likely that all of the new information, which is produced in human beings, the information enters the continuum and, apparently, can be extracted from it. And it is not excluded that the breakthrough of the individual consciousness in the World Mind explains such mysterious phenomena as intuitive insights, illumination from above, vision mind's eye of the events that take place over long distances, the ability of individuals to make a phenomenal rate in the mind complex mathematical calculations, or rather, almost instantly recognize as a finished product the desired result, as well as scientific and artistic discoveries made in his sleep.
So American D. Klein in less than three minutes in the presence of scientists extracted a square 73 degrees from a number containing 500 figures. An illiterate peasant's son Peter Titov, enrolling in his time at the Kronstadt Naval Shipyard, soon became his chief engineer, showing a purely intuitive ability to design new ships. It is said that the famous aircraft AN Tupolev immediately found errors in the work of their employees at the same time without any verification of the calculations, it was enough just to look at the calculations to immediately identify the place where permitted blunder.
In our view, says physicist AF Okhatrin, head of the laboratory at the Institute of dowsing mineralogy, geochemistry and crystallography of rare elements (IMGRE), the human brain - a kind of receiver thoughts ... Someone catches them, decrypts. I. .. making scientific discoveries, writes.
They say the same, lit up, suggested an idea, suddenly came up with the melody.
Well-known Soviet mathematician called Nalimov substance very similar in nature to the information continuum, semantic field or field sense. Seriously discussed the hypothesis that human consciousness and its associated mental energy, the existence of which at present there is little doubt, is a kind of operator of the semantic field and with it the ability to influence through the physical vacuum for material objects.
But perhaps the most surprising and impressive is that at the conclusion of the existence of a Supreme Intelligence universe is steadily approaching and the data of modern science. Let us first focus on the fact of our own existence. On the one hand, it is so obvious that it should be easy to take and leave it at that. But on the other hand ...
In fact, all is not so simple. If you think about it, this fact suggests that the emergence and development of life and intelligence does not contradict any fundamental properties of our universe, or acting within its physical and other laws of nature. However, it may seem that this conclusion is self-evident and does not contain anything that would encourage to any special further reflection.
However, it is - just the tip of the iceberg. As we already know, in-depth theoretical and observational studies have found one thing is absolutely amazing. We, that is the earth's biological life, could only appear in such a universe like ours in the universe, which has just such and not by any other properties.
But what really is the Universal Mind? If the Universal Mind - is God, then everything, so to speak, is to their place. But if not - then there is a natural and logical question - what is it in the physical sense? Until relatively recently, we were looking for an answer to these questions, relying solely on orthodox materialist view of the world. We are firmly convinced that materialism - the only correct philosophy, instrument colossal strength and power that can give solution to the most difficult and complex scientific problems.
It is only in recent years, we began to realize that an important heuristic role in the development of our knowledge about the world can play and other philosophical and ideological approaches and concepts.
Until very recently, the centuries-old debate about the relationship of matter and consciousness, the spirit of our science unequivocally decided in favor of the primacy of matter. But is unquestionably in reality, such a statement? Whether it is based on a fairly strong natural science foundation?
What is matter and spirit from the standpoint of modern science? In the age of classical physics to equate the matter and substance. Then it turned out that the radiation - also a kind of matter.
Materials were also various physical fields - electromagnetic, gravitational, etc. Then it turned out that the emptiness - physical vacuum - is also the matter that exists in the hidden, potential fit and able, under certain conditions, to turn into a very real bits ...
A spirit? What is it - consciousness, thought? And then we come closer to the idea of the unexpected ... However, this really so surprising?
In any case, some researchers have expressed it quite seriously. As they say, the idea is in the air: what if the spirit - this information? The idea is highly tempting.
It can be assumed that, contrary to the usual materialist point of view, not matter has spawned the spirit, and it happened in the reverse order of spirit, information generated matter - our material universe. In this assumption, there is nothing mystical, because the information is as much real and natural, like matter.
It is also possible that the information continuum continues to exist in the present universe, and even constantly updated as a result of the flow and interaction of natural processes and through the activities of its intelligent inhabitants.
An interesting conjecture was an American scientist Mountcasde the University of Massachusetts. He believes that the subconscious can absorb a tremendous amount of information about the external environment, including the amount of information contained in the global information space. This information is received by the subconscious, is handled automatically, but stays there.
In the consciousness of a person understands, decrypted, it usually does not come, that is not recognized.
All across the immense reaches of time and space, energy is being exchanged, transferred, released, in a great cosmic pinball game we call our universe.
How does energy stitch the cosmos together, and how do we fit within it? We now climb the power scales of the universe, from atoms, nearly frozen to stillness, to Earth's largest explosions. From stars, colliding, exploding, to distant realms so strange and violent they challenge our imaginations. Where will we find the most powerful objects in the universe?
Today, energy is very much on our minds as we search for ways to power our civilization and serve the needs of our citizens. But what is energy? Where does it come from? And where do we stand within the great power streams that shape time and space?
Energy comes from a Greek word for activity or working. In physics, it's simply the property or the state of anything in our universe that allows it to do work. Whether it's thermal, kinetic, electro-magnetic, chemical, or gravitational.
The 19th century German scientist Hermann von Helmholtz found that all forms of energy are equivalent, that one form can be transformed into any other. The laws of physics say that in a closed system - such as our universe - energy is conserved. It may be converted, concentrated, or dissipated, but it's never lost.
James Prescott Joule built an apparatus that demonstrated this principle. It had a weight that descended into water and caused a paddle to rotate. He showed that the gravitational energy lost by the weight is equivalent to heat gained by the water from friction with the paddle. That led to one of several basic energy yardsticks, called a joule. It's the amount needed to lift an apple weighing 100 grams one meter against the pull of Earth's gravity.
In case you were wondering, it takes about one hundred joules to send a tweet, so tweeted a tech from Twitter. The metabolism of an average sized person, going about their day, generates about 100 joules a second, or 100 watts, the equivalent of a 100-watt light bulb.
In vigorous exercise, the power output of the body goes up by a factor of ten, one order of magnitude, to around a thousand joules per second, or a thousand watts. In a series of leaps, by additional factors of ten, we can explore the full energy spectrum of the universe.